Chapter Ninety-Three: My Affections and Wishes

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I had forgotten just how difficult these labyrinthine corridors are to navigate. All I have to go on is the gradually rising volume of shouts and blaring machinery. Bellamy squeezes my hand in reassurance. Another turning brings us towards a dead end, open doors leading to a brightly lit room. My pace quickens. I try again, 'Eno!'

A figure passes across the threshold. She is in my arms within moments, her small frame trembling with breathless sobs.

We remain still for a moment. Gently hushing her, I kiss the top of her head. 'It's okay. We're okay.'

Pulling away, she sniffles and wipes at her eyes before managing a small chuckle. 'Somebody's been asking after you.'

I allow her to lead us into the mothership hospital, my gaze immediately landing on the man lying in one of the beds. Murphy smiles dazedly, his hand clasped in Emori's. His face brightens even more when he lays eyes on us. 'There they are!'

Sighing, I lightly ruffle his hair despite mumbled complaints. 'Had me worried for a bit. You okay?'

'Never been better. I'm amazing,' he replies cheerfully, his words slurred and shaken by giddy laughter.

I raise an eyebrow, looking to Emori. She simply shakes her head, mouthing the words "Pain meds" to us with a roll of her eyes.

'Great. I take it the surgery went well?'

'I had surgery?' Murphy gasps, eyes widening in horror at Bellamy's innocent question.

It doesn't seem to be a surprise. Huffing, she lightly pats his arm, as if to comfort him. 'Yes, you did,' she sighs. Eno's anxious stare meets hers and she sends the child a playful grin. 'Sixth time he's said that.'

'He's quite cute when he's like this,' I joke.

'Can't disagree. It'll be wearing off in an hour or so. He should be good to go. You can see Kane now, he's just through there.'

The girl thanks her quietly and takes hold of my hand again. My smile vanishes as we pass the curtains that shroud a second bed.

Kane is almost unrecognisable. His skin is pale and pasty, the ends of his lank hair matted with blood. The heart monitor beeps steadily but he remains unconscious, unaware of our presence.

I hold my breath. Stepping cautiously towards him, I trace his sallow cheeks in the hopes of gaining some kind of reaction. Nothing happens. My mouth twitches into a hopeful smile and I lean closer. 'Dad? Can you hear me? It's Wren. I'm here. I'm right here. So's Eno, a-and Bellamy.'

An arm wraps around me. Unable to stifle a quiet sob, I hide my head against Bellamy's chest. His lips press against my temple. With a quiet sigh, he pulls Eno into our embrace as well. 'It's okay,' he murmurs. 'Your dad's a stubborn guy. He'll wake up.'

'That's what Jackson's worried about.'

I frown, peering over his shoulder to find Clarke watching us from the corner. 'What do you mean?'

Smiling sadly, she steps further into the pale light. 'He's in a drug-induced coma. Jackson says there isn't enough of the drug to keep him that way for long. It— It doesn't look good. I'm sorry.'

After a moment of quiet, Bellamy lets go of us. His brow creases, eyes squinted in realisation of something important. 'What if he didn't need the drug?' he carefully suggests, glancing back to me. 'I don't know much about cryosleep, but at least it will keep him alive.'

'That's brilliant,' she gasps. 'I'll tell my mom.'

She starts to leave but stops in her tracks at the sound of his voice. 'Hey, when you're finished, stop by the bridge. We're deciding the fate of he human race... again. You should be there.'

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