Chapter Six: Twilight's Last Gleaming

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I choose to sit by the fire instead of sleeping that night. Too many thoughts run through my head, too many memories. Plus, Clarke would kill me if I went to sleep without her checking my head again. She and Finn disappeared after the wristbands went down, I decided not to worry about that.

Basking in the heat of the flames, I've discarded my leather, corduroy and plaid jackets, opting only for my grey tank top to cover my torso.

My knife sits on my lap along with a lump of wood, which I have been trying to whittle into the rough shape of a bird. The cuts littering my hands serve as a constant and painful reminder that I should probably stop.

My calm is suddenly interrupted by several shouts. Following the enraptured gazes of several patrollers, I look up to see something bright streaking across the night sky.

'Do you see that?' I ask Octavia as she joins me.

Nodding enthusiastically, she points at the light and calls over her shoulder to someone. 'There!'

I glance over my shoulder, freezing when I see Bellamy walking towards us whilst fastening his belt.

His bare chest is the first thing I really see, his defined muscles glowing with sweat. Hurriedly trying to avert my gaze, I only end up with my eyes trailing up towards his head. His curly hair looks more tousled than usual, his neck and collar bone littered in faint bruises. His lips are red and swollen.

Something burns deep in my chest at the very sight of him. I don't understand why. He's Bellamy, I think to myself, this is what he does. I know that well and yet, somehow, I feel myself begin to dislike him for it.

I quickly become aware of someone watching me. Pausing when my eyes meet his, I quickly turn my attention back to the sky. 

A few people begin to laugh in relief as we realise what we're seeing. It's a Dropship, just like ours.

'They're coming to help us!' Jones cheers loudly. 'Now we can kick some Grounder ass.'

'Please tell me they brought shampoo.'

'Once I figure out how to make a shower, you'll be all set. Some tampons wouldn't be bad, either,' I reply to one of the girls, reciprocating her excited grin.

A few gasps echo through the camp as the ship crashes, casting a bright glow across the horizon.

We don't get much time to appreciate it, as I feel someone rest their hand on my shoulder. Bellamy silently gestures for me to follow him to his tent.

His hand lingers for a moment as we begin to walk. Ignoring how my bare skin starts to tingle, I shrug him off. 'I can walk on my own, thanks.'

The bed is empty when we enter Bellamy's tent, a blanket hastily thrown over to cover it. Again, I feel that burning feeling seeping up my chest and into my throat. I quickly turn my attention to the map Jones has spread out on the table, trying not to acknowledge Bellamy whilst he pulls his shirt back on.

My hands feel strangely hot when I rest them against the section of bare skin just above my jeans. I wipe the sweat off on the dark fabric, absentmindedly recalling that my jackets are still outside.

'So,' I sigh in an effort to break the awkward silence, 'any ideas where we can find it?'

Jones nods and points to a dark line on the map, then to a blotch of blue. 'If it cleared the ridge, it's probably near the lake.'

I feel a little more at ease when Octavia enters, somehow interrupting the tense atmosphere of the sweltering tent. When I look up, I see that Bellamy's attention is focused solely on the map in front of us.

When Songbirds Fly   |   Bellamy BlakeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя