Chapter Thirty-Three: Heart to Heart

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Ever since the night Jasper and I got drunk, things have been tense. I can't remember what I said but I know that I must have hurt Bellamy in some way. He tries to pretend that nothing happened, that everything is fine, but we both know it's a lie.

A horrible feeling has been hanging over me for the past few days. It's a strange form of apprehension, like the static electricity that fills the air just before a storm. Something is coming.

I'm still a little unstable on my artificial leg, having had it for less than a month. I take advantage of the few hours I'm able to wear it, getting in as much practice as possible.

Limping down the narrow alley that leads behind Alpha Station, I awkwardly readjust my hold on the crate. Once it's set down beside the large water tanks, I open the tool box hanging from my arm and start to mend the damaged piping.

The squelching of a boot in the mud catches my attention for a moment but I don't look up. Part of me hopes that it's the nice girl from the market who had offered me free food a few days ago — Gina, I think her name is.

Someone clears their throat and a lower, gruffer voice speaks. 'H-Hello.'

Clenching my jaw at the sound of Kane's voice, my movements become more harsh as I tighten the nut that holds the pipes in place. 'You get lost on your way to the bathroom?'

'I wanted to see how things are going — for work. I'm doing a survey of all of the areas, making sure everything's working smoothly.'

'It is now.' Sensing his hesitance, I huff and turn to face him. 'I was gone for a two weeks and everything went to shit. What were you all drinking?'

He smiles weakly, eyeing the large tanks that have been almost completely covered with duct tape and welded-on patches. 'Moonshine, mostly.'

My lips purse in a half-impressed, half-awkward line as I remember the events of that night. I shrug, 'Takes the edge off, I guess.'

His uneasiness is obvious despite his feigned confidence. Sighing impatiently, I cock my hip slightly to shift some weight off of my prosthesis and fold my arms across my chest. 'Anything else you want or are you just gonna stand there all day?'

'Right. Sorry. I'll, uh, go.'

Nodding, I finish up my checks over the pipes before walking in the direction of the house. I don't stop at the sound of footsteps following behind me. 'What did you just tell me? I think it was something about leaving,' I snap, barely tilting my head towards him.

My leg is starting to ache again, my limp becoming worse. I stumble on my way up the ramp and, within seconds, Kane has rushed past me to open the door. 'Look,' he pleads, 'I know you're still mad at me for everything, you have every right to be, but I'm always here if you need to talk... about anything.'

The last of my patience wears thin and I send him a furious glare. 'I don't need to talk. And even if I did, you'd be the very last person I'd come to. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Great, even! I don't need your understanding, I don't need your pity, and I certainly don't need your help. Just— Forget it. Forget Mom, forget Ez, forget me. Forget all of it! It'll make things easier for both of us if you do, 'cause it's pretty one-sided at the moment.'

I close the door before he can get the chance to respond. A burning sensation starts to spread up my leg, as if someone is holding a lighter right up against the skin. My hands slam down against the table by the wall in an effort to steady myself. Every step only causes me more and more pain.

Forgetting to watch where I step, I keep moving my foot long after it touches the ground. I hit the floor with a loud thud.

I'm lifted onto the bed. My whole body starts to shake. Shrugging the person away, I hide my face in my hands.

When Songbirds Fly   |   Bellamy Blakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें