Chapter Fifty-Eight: Gimme Shelter

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The other vehicles are back by the time we return. Harper and I climb out of the Rover and remove the crates from the back, still in quiet shock from what just happened.

'Where the hell have you been?'

'"Welcome back, Wren. Thanks for getting the equipment we need to survive the end of the world." Oh, no problem, Dad. We definitely didn't almost get killed for this stuff!' I mutter bitterly.

He pauses for a moment, still clearly upset. Then, sighing heavily, he takes the crates off of the both of us. Harper sends me a quick smile before heading off to talk to Monty.

'Count yourself lucky that I'm too tired to argue. This is the second time you've run off, no concern for your own safety... and what do you mean, you "almost got killed"?' Kane snaps.

At his words, Bellamy also approaches us. The two of them both regard me with expectant stares. Shrugging, I turn my focus to a loose pebble next to my feet. 'We went to get some stuff from the Dropship but some Grounders attacked — Trikru. We weren't hurt. Can't say much for them, though.'

Bellamy nods solemnly. 'We came across some of Trikru on the way. They saw Roan and his men, and freaked. Guess news travels fast.'

Thunder booms loudly overhead.

I smell it before I see it. The air pricks my skin like a thousand insects, strong winds carrying a stench of rotten eggs and festering flesh.

Something hits my forehead, burning to the touch. I hiss, quickly wiping it off.

It's here.

'Black Rain! Everybody inside! This is not a drill!' Kane bellows.

Shouts erupt from all sides. People begin to stream towards Alpha Station, shrieking and crying the names of their friends, their family.

I quickly remove my leather jacket and hold it above my head, yanking Bellamy under it with me. Even though I have my cane to offer extra support, I feel him wrap an arm around my waist.

As soon as we're inside, we begin to rinse off our hands and faces, any part that might have been splashed. I feel Bellamy tense. 'Kane, someone's outside.'

And then they're gone again, rushing out into the rain. I stop tending to my burned skin, staring after them. I can't bear to stop looking for a second. They return quickly, carrying with them a man whose agonised screams turn the blood cold in my veins. Some of his friends take him away, letting Bellamy and Kane return to my side.

'I need to find Octavia.'

'She's not here. She took off hours ago.'

'I gotta find her.'

Quickly holding him back, my father fixes Bellamy with a pleading stare. 'Look, we don't know where she went. You just got back and the Rover doesn't have enough power to go searching through the woods.'

'The rain will kill her!'

I find my breath hitching, the thought of Octavia being caught in the rain filling me with dread. My hand clasps onto his before I even realise I'm doing it. We both look to Kane, who places his own hand on Bellamy's shoulder. 'She's smart. You've got to trust that she found shelter, okay?'

There is a pause. Then, reluctantly, Bellamy nods.

Aware of Kane rushing off to assist the others, I begin to peel off both of my jackets. The rain has soaked right through to my skin, covering me in a horrible prickling sensation. Bellamy does the same, stripping of his jacket and shirt. We start to splash water onto ourselves from the barrel beside us, unsure of what is acid rain and what is just water.

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