04 - I'd say that's accurate.

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Occasionally you cough up blood, and spend a half hour hyperventilating about your health, due to the cramps in your stomach area and headaches that come along with the coughing fits. You screamed through the door for a doctor, only to be ignored. The shouting only made the coughing worse, so you gave up.

At least if you bleed out internally, their ass of a Commander can't pry information from you.

It's roughly the tenth day of your imprisonment, a day after the week of hell, that finally there is movement.

Armed stormtroopers wake you from a dream, dragging you from your bed by your ankles like an animal, with blasters pointed at you while you rub your eyes on the floor.

"What the fuck kind of a wake up is this?" You grumble, squinting at the troopers with a furrowed brow.

"Get up and walk." One commands, kicking the side of your shin, hard, when you don't respond. You rub the sore spot, groaning under your breath.

You move to push yourself to your feet, and having planned this for days now you execute your next move perfectly. How silly of them to send stormtroopers.

Instead of getting up, you spin your foot round to the stormtroopers, swiping their legs out from underneath them. They lay sprawled on the floor, making muffled noises beneath their masks. One of them has dropped their blaster to the side, and thanks to the week of rejuvenation you use your newfound energy to quickly grab the blaster, jumping past them with ease, light on your feet before they've even realised what's happened. You shut the door behind you by elbowing the data-pad next to it - trapping them in your cell as it breaks. The glass cuts into your elbow, but it's the least of your worries.

You have one moment to breathe a sigh of relief before you know you must move. You know where the stormtroopers are in these halls. The right is heavily blocked, but left is clear as far as you can sense it.

You can feel the Commanders presence on the ship, but it's distant so you push him from your mind. You need an escape pod, lightsaber, or an unattended ship - not that you know how to fly one, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

You jog lightly on your feet to avoid any noise, though since you're only in socks it isn't difficult. You're still not used to the biting cold on your legs in these shorts, but that's the least of your worries at this moment.

As you reach a path fork, one is shut off by doors and you know that there is a dead end down there, restricted as it houses locked rooms. You continue forward, ignoring left as you run past because you cannot sense what is down there.

Your eye catches a flash as a small beep sounds nearby, on the wall by a nearby door a data-pad flashes to note the door is opening. Uh oh.

"Shit," You whisper to yourself, spying the next fork and sprinting towards it. You hear the door open behind you just as you slip round the corner.

Stormtroopers and a captain or two in grey uniforms and no helmets talk as they walk in the opposite direction, the door shutting behind them. You whip your head to your right, instantaneously sensing something bad is about to happen. A stormtrooper stands at the end of the corridor, on patrol, clearly about to turn around. And see you. To your left is the hallway you just came from, but that's a risk due to the group you know is there. Shit. Fuck. Balls.

No time to think, just do. You military roll through the hall toward the stormtrooper on patrol to avoid his incoming shot as he notices you, aiming your own blaster as you come out of it in a kneel.

Tensing your jaw, you shoot, a small blaster noise echoing off the halls. You wince. It was much louder than you'd hoped. The trooper falls, down from your perfect aim, you catch him in your arms before he hits the ground to avoid the loud noise, placing him there lightly instead. The end of the corridor is near, you poke your head out of the T-fork to peek down both sides. A stormtrooper to the left is stood looking around aimlessly, probably searching for where the blaster noise originated.

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