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"You must be out of your natural mind if you really think I'm wearing this contraption." I exclaimed, eyeing the corset that my maids want—no, are forcing me to wear. 

They backed me up into one of the corners of my large room. If I'm being honest, I don't think they should be allowed to do this to me.

"Madam Y/n! The Mistress asked of this! We have to follow her orders!" One of your maids, Chaeyoung, shouted nervously. She was always the one who was fearful of the consequences; it was quite cute and I loved messing with her.

"I'll strip you naked if I have to Madam. This was the Mistress' orders and we have to comply." My other maid, Irene, said seriously while advancing forward. She scared me the most.

"Madam I just wanna go on my break! Just put it on please!" The last of your maid's, Yeri, whined in annoyance. She was the most playful out of the three and she would always be the one to get in trouble with the higher ups.

"How about we make a deal here? Why don't we just say I put it on and pretend this never happened!" I giggled, eyeing the door for my escape plan in case this didn't work.

"I wish we could but it'd be so obvious with the dress your wearing." Yeri sighed, sluggishly walking around the room.

"Even so Madam, I'm not one to break the rules because the consequences will be harsher on me than you. So please understand." Irene said, a smile never showing up on her face.

"It's for an important event too! You have to look your best Madam Y/n." Chaeyoung bursted, hearts in her eyes.

"What's the event for anyways? I'm like the only one who doesn't know." I scoffed, finally giving into their complaints. I let Irene take my gown off, slowly putting on the corset.

"It's supposed to be a surprise! But don't worry, you'll definitely love it." Chaeyoung sighed heavenly. She clasped her hands together and jumped around in excitement.

"By the way your reaction looked, I already know I won't love it. Besides, I hate these fancy parties, it's a waste of time. Everyone says all I have to do is stand there and look pretty! Like it's so stupid, I have a personality by the way." I frowned, feeling the air leave my lungs once Irene snapped the corset together. "A-and I have to s-sit there wearing this menace to s-society."

"You're making it worse than it actually is. There's so much food too! It's a literal paradise!" Yeri practically drooled.

"For you. I'm not even allowed to eat that much. There's too many damn rules I have to follow through and I despise it." I stood there, waiting for Irene to bring out the dress.

"Well, you're kind of right." She laughed, going to assist Irene with the dress. 

"Trust me Madam Y/n, it won't be as bad as you're making it seem." Chaeyoung smiled, patting my arm.

After she said that, they both came out with a bright red dress. One thing I didn't necessarily dislike about this whole thing was how gorgeous the dresses were. They felt amazing once worn too.

I took in the dress, observing all the features it held. It was a sleeveless dress, a deep v-neck gracing the front. I didn't like v-necks that went that deep but it couldn't be helped. The dress was also woven with different fabrics that were made with a various amount of red shades. The frills came all the way to the floor, pooling out around whoever wore it.

 The frills came all the way to the floor, pooling out around whoever wore it

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