chapter 7

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Aurora's pov

There I was. Standing in front of Logan's office. My last two brain cells were having a serious debate on whether I should enter the office or not. I spent a good five minutes standing there. I looked absolutely stupid.

All of a sudden the door of Logan's office opened and Logan looked at me and gave me weird and done look. He spoke with an annoyed yet cold voice.

Logan: " it has been 5 minutes since you're standing here. What are you even thinking about, huh? "

Ehh? How did his know. Then it hit me, he had an cam on the door. Wow. My cheeks turned red as I was embarrassed. Staring at my feet I said.

Aurora: " I-l was just daydreaming... sorry."

Lol. I embarrassed myself even more.

I heard a chuckle escaping from Logan's mouth.

Is this guy okay? He's been behaving weird since this morning.

I looked up with wide eyes to see if he actually chuckled.

He had a soft smile on his face. He's scaring me now.

Logan: " come on in."

Placing his hand on my shoulder, slowly pushing me to sit in the chair that stood in front of his giant table and chair. I felt like a minute creature in that big ass chair. I kept staring at my lap as I was nervous and scared.

I felt a gigantic hand with slim fingers on my jaw softly lifting my head up. We shared an eye contact for a minute before he spoke.

Logan: " I apologize for my actions."

He stayed quite for a while and so did I.

Logan: " I have hired a full time guard for you. He will accompany you wherever you go. You can hangout with your friends and go out more often but the guard has to go with you."

I was kind of happy that I will be able to go out and have fun like others that are my age. But again, a giant wearing black shades and full black clothing staying by my side all the time does not sound good at all.

Aurora: "I can protect myself." I said in a low voice.

Logan.: " I know. But you aren't strong enough to fight abductors, are you?"

Ouch... that's true though.

Logan: " oh and about your new guard. He's a good friend of mine and you can trust him. He will start working from tomorrow.

Aurora: " what does working mean exactly?"

I said in a sassy tone.

He didn't quite seem to have liked the way the spoke. He stared at me for a minute before speaking.

Logan: " well, he will drop you and pick you up from school and if you wish to hang out with your friends or want to go shopping or anything like that, he will be right by your side."

Aurora: " so I am supposed to enjoy with my friends while a black dressed guy with black shades will follow me everywhere."

I said staring at him in disbelief.

Logan: " it's either that you live like a normal teenager, just the way you wanted to, but with a little twist or you can live like how you used to. You have to choose one. Choose wisely.

I felt hot liquid in my eyes threatening to slide down my cheeks.

Will I never get to live like a normal person?

Without saying a word, I turned around and walked out of the room.

I am such a coward, ain't I? I thought.

My body was struck with a sudden confidence which came from god knows where.

I turned back and entered the room again.

I could see the 'cold Logan' that I used to know is back.

I spoke with a cold voice.

Aurora: " okay then. But I've got one condition." I stated.

Logan: " and what is that?"

Aurora: " I can dress the way I want to. And don't forget about the makeup. You won't make a big deal out of normal stuff like wearing makeup and revealing clothing.

Logan was stunned.

Logan: " may I know the relation between the bodyguard hiring and your so called condition? It makes no sense."

Aurora: " yes, yes it does make sense. I wasn't allowed to wear the clothes that I wanted to wear and wasn't allowed to wear makeup either. That was because of the bad people right? But now I've got an entire dude to protect me from em'.

Logan let out a heavy sigh and spoke.

Logan: " it's okay as long as you dress appropriately considering your age."

Aurora: " girls my age- "

Logan: " alright. I don't have time to deal with that."

I gave him a glare and marched out of the room. I could hear a light chuckle escaping from Logan's mouth.

I sat down on my bed and thought about it.

Will everything be well enough tomorrow?

That is all for this chapter y'all.

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