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(A/n: Just to have it clear, Felix is driving, Zuri is sitting on the front seat and Kadee and Zamin are sitting on the back seats)

During the entire ride Zuri was ranting something about all the cute girls being straight or something like that, to which of course Felix wasn't really paying attention to. Instead he had a certain someone stuck on his mind.

"And then she said she had a boyfriend- Felix are you even listening to me?!" Zuri asked getting slightly annoyed at her best friend's actions.

"Ummm yeahh of course I was." Felix said awkwardly.

"You weren't listening to me right?" Zuri asked while rolling her eyes.

"Yeahh I'm sorry......"

"Well maybe you have a special someone on your mind? Maybe a hot boy?" Zuri said with a smirk plastered across her face.

"How did you know??!" Felix asked slightly shocked.

"Felix I'm your best friend. And I'm not dumb." Zuri said while scoffing slightly. Whatever Zuri said was kinda a lie. Zuri was pretty dumb, it's just that Felix was just making it too obvious.

"Fine, his name is Chan....." Felix said while blushing slightly.

"YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH JACKIE CHAN?!?!" Zuri asked clearly shocked. She had a horrid expression plastered across her face. When I said Zuri was pretty dumb, this is what I was talking about......

"ZURI WHAT THE FUCK ISN'T HE LIKE 46 YEARS OLDER THAN ME??!?!?" Felix suddenly yelled. Even though he loved that girl, she could be really stupid at times.

"Well love has no age or something like that, I forgot the quote...." What Zuri said was true, love really has no age, so it's completely fine if you find someone 10 years older than you attractive. And yes, I'm talking about you, the person reading this who is crushing on multiple K-drama actors and fiction characters.....

"To make it clear, I'm not crushing on Jackie Chan." Felix muttered while taking a quick glance at Zuri and then focusing back on the road.

"Then which Chan are you talking about?" Zuri asked slightly raising her eyebrows. This time she decided to not be dumb and ask Lix which Chan he was talking about instead of jumping into conclusions.

"Well here's the problem, I have no idea. I just met him online a few months ago. I don't even know what he looks like." Felix replied. Although he still doesn't know what Chan looked like he still somehow managed to catch feeling for him. He wouldn't say he was in love tho. But he definitely liked him.

"You have know this dude for a couple of months and didn't even bother to tell me?! I'm offended." Zuri joked. Yes, she felt kinda bad about the fact that Felix didn't tell her about this Chan guy, but in the end it was his life and she was just his best friend. He didn't have to tell her about every little thing that happened to him. So she just shrugged it off.

"Sorry about that RiRi. Anyway did you see any cute girls recently?" Felix said while smirking slightly.

"Yeah I saw one, but she was kept clinging onto this one guy who I assumed was her boyfriend. So I didn't bother asking for her number." Zuri said, a hint of sadness clearly visible in her tone, but she quickly shrugged it off.

"Aww it's fine. Maybe she wasn't the one." Felix said, trying his best to cheer his best friend up.

"Anyway on the flight I promised myself to find myself a girlfriend while I am here in Korea. Not sure if I can keep it though."

"Don't worry bestie, you're beautiful, I'm pretty sure there should be atleast one girl in Korea who will fall for your charms." Felix said while smiling slightly. What Felix said was true, Zuri was really pretty, it's just that she lacked the self confidence in herself which was quite unfortunate.

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