Chapter 5: It will be ok.

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Skid woke up that morning and saw Pump, "Pump!~" Pump woke and snuggled in Skid's chest, "Morning." Skid kissed his forehead, "Hehe!~ Ok. Ok. Your so cute Skid." Skid blushes, "Let's go have some breakfast." "Ok." They go get breakfast but Pump falls, "Pump!" "Ow..sorry it's ok.. I just fall.... I haven't walked in a while." Skid Picks him up, "Thanks hon." Skid blushes at the name and walks to the breakfast.

"So....did you hear and see everything I would do and say?" Skid asks, "Yep. Pretty much. It was nice at know...." Pump sighs, "I wish....I could have replied and comforted you and stuff." Skid looks down, "I..see...." Skid holds him tightly, "Hey Skid. Are you ok? I'm here know that right? I'm never leaving you again. I promise." Skid stops walking and holds him tighter, "I know but...." Skid starts crying, "I'm scared....what if that happened to you again!? What if I'm the cause that time!? And you don't break out of it the next time!? What if-!?" "Skid! Look at me! There will never be the next time. Ok? I'm here for good. Ok?" Skid sniffs, "Ok....ok...." " let's go have breakfast. Ok?" "Ok." Pump smiles, "I love you." "I love you too."

They get to a breakfast shop and go in the ally, "Here. Got a few dollars. Could us the food...." Skid asks, nervously, "Sure. No problem." Pump kisses Skid's cheek, "I'll be back soon."

Pump goes inside and orders some pancakes and milkshake to go. However, Skid outside is freaking out. He's so scared, having flashbacks to the day that caused Pump to be pearlized till now. He was so scared. He curled up into a ball, crying and shaking when Pump came back.

He saw Skid curled up, shivering and crying, and ran over, "Skid! Hey! Hey. What's wrong!?" Skid grabs him and hugs him tightly, "Pump! Y-Your here...." Pump pats and rubs Skid's back, "Shhh shhh. I'm here. I'm here. Shhhh. What's wrong?" "I-I....n-no....I'm scared...." Pump holds Skid tightly, "I'll be ok. Nothing will happen. I promise. Now.. let's eat. Ok?" "O-Ok...." Pump takes out pancakes and a milkshake with two straws. Skid smiles and they eat. They both drink the milkshake and it was good, "See I told you nothing would happen." Skid nods, "Y-Yeah. T-Thank you...." "Hehe!~ Your welcome." they clean up and cuddle, happily. Very happy.

-Done! Sorry, it's been a while. I hope this was good.

-Word count: 434

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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