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Mikasa POV

She stared out across the fields of Sina, looking for any glimpse of the Scouts that they had sent out some time ago.

She stood about halfway up a rocky hill that they had chosen to be their place of meeting. They had arrived there easy enough but for safety purposes, and for the last hour she had been posted on lookout duty, which wasn't the most exciting task.

"Mikasa," the voice of Hanji called out from below her. "Come down! We're going over the plan. Also, your watch is over."

"I'll be down in a minute," she replied before letting out a long sigh of relief.

She took a long look into the fields once again, searching for any movement. But she found none. And with night setting in it was unlikely that anyone would find them now

She let out another sigh before carefully making her way down the rocky hill, not wanting to injure herself upon its sharp stones.

As she made it to the bottom the smell of soup filled her nostrils, nearly instantaneously making her feel hungry.

It doesn't even smell half bad either, that's a relief.

She walked past the crackling fire and towards the largest group of Scouts, who were all huddled around a large map of Wall Sina.

"So," she started, catching the attention of all the Scouts in the group. "What is the plan?"

"Milieus, you tell her," said Hanji, letting Milieus take the lead.

"Yes squad leader," he replied before walking over to the map which lay on the ground and was pinned down at the corners by rocks.

She followed him and crouched down next to him as he began explaining the plan to her and the others who were nearby.

"See here," he said, pointing to a point on the map where a rough black dot had been drawn. "This is where we think Pixis's mansion is, or one of them. If what we found is true then this was gifted to him a couple of years ago by a noble who no longer wanted it."

"He may own it, but that doesn't mean he will live there," she replied quickly.

"But Pixis was recalled to the capital, remember," he told her while removing his finger from the map. "But the trial was still a couple of days away when the attack happened, so it's unlikely he could have been in the capital at the time. And because of the attack he probably didn't want to go Mitras in case he too was convicted."

"Oh, of course," she replied, slightly irritated that she hadn't realised that as well.

"So if we send out a couple of Scouts out there then we might be able to get an audience with him. And if the walls allow it then we might just gain an ally from him."

"But what if decides to betray us?" She asked, still uncertain about the plan.

"Well," Miliues said while looking her in the eyes. "It's a risk we have to take. But the rest of us won't be sitting around idly either. What we plan to do is send a small team into Mitras itself, and from there they will speak to Zackly who will hopefully not turn them over."

"So we're relying on luck for this plan to succeed?" She stated.

"Most plans are built on luck," Hanji cut in. "This plan just relies more on luck than most plans."

"We'll be riding out at sunrise, so be ready," Milieus said while standing up.

"Because you'll be leading the team into Mitras."

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