Attack on the Scouts

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Eren Pov

"Hey, brat!" Levi yelled, smacking his cage bars. "Get up now, we're going on a road trip."

He looked at the bars to see, as expected, Levi standing there.

"Where are we going?" He questioned.

"To the military tribunal. You've been recalled so they can relook your case," Levi replied before turning around to leave.

"You have 5 minutes."

He nodded before getting out of his cell bed and getting changed into his Scouts uniform. The door wasn't unlocked, so he supposed he was meant to wait here until someone came down to collect him.

He looked in the mirror, staring at his face, his old face. He had let his hair grow down to just above his shoulders but didn't let it grow longer than that.

He gripped the sides of the basin as he stared into the mirror. I wonder, how different this world will be with all my knowledge. Eldia stands on the brink of greatness and freedom. Though what will it cost this time.

"Hey kid," Oluo said, unlocking the door. "C'mon, we're going.

"He nodded in reply and walked out silently. They walked in silence for a moment before Oluo spoke.

"So, what were you seeing in that mirror?"

"Nothing more than myself," he replied calmly.

"What? Were you expecting to see something else?" Oluo asked, slightly confused.

"I once saw a memory mirror," he replied. "Someone else's memory. And I swear she saw me."

"Oh, she's a girl," Oluo exclaimed. "Well why didn't you start with that, I'm all ears."

Oluo let out a quick laugh, but upon seeing his face stopped.

"Lighten up brat, she's all yours. I won't take her," Oluo said with a laugh as they reached the stairs.

"Being that she's been dead for some time now you'll probably have a problem talking to her, let alone 'taking her.'" he replied.

"Ooh," Oluo said, rubbing the back of his head as they walked up the stairs. "So how'd you see a dead girl's memory? Is this the Titan-shifter memory transferring you mentioned at that kid's trial."

"Yes, it is. But I have no idea how the transfer works," he said, trying to lie.

Oluo seemed like he was going to say something else, but they reached the top of the stairs so he stopped.

As he opened the door the sun blazed down against his eyes, hurting them after he hadn't seen the sun in what felt like days.

"Hey, brat! Over here," the unmistakable voice of Levi called out.

Captain Levi sat in a cart alongside the rest of Levi squad, all had their gear on, all except him.

He walked over to the carriage and saw Petra and Eld sitting near the driver. Hmm, looks like I have made a difference. They get to live, for how long I don't know but still, I've saved them from that fate.

Though a worse one could still befall them yet.

"Hey, kid. Stop staring and get in," Levi said, a slight irritation in his voice.

Without another word he got into the carriage, surrounded by the most dangerous soldiers humanity could offer.

"So captain. I'm assuming I don't get any gear?" He asked.

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