The Plan Begins

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Eren POV

The walls of Yarckel district stood tall and strong before them.

They stood to the east of the island within wall Rose, and within was housed by thousands upon thousands of people.

Even now he still looked at the walls with a sense of amazement, even though he knew how and why the walls made the walls still gave off a sense of glory and mystery.

Most people on the island looked at them with a sense of amazement and wonder, a feat of engineering which could never be recreated, and the greatest wonder in all the known world.

Of course, most people within the walls knew little of what lay beyond their walls, but they were correct in their thoughts. The walls were indeed one of, if not the greatest piece of architecture ever to be made.

They held 723,822 km of land within them and they held one of the most valuable resources in the world, Iceburst stone. They held over a million people within as well, and each of them had an ability that waited to be activated.

Even outside Paradis, the walls were seen with a sense of greatness and wonder. But most people outside the walls saw them for what they truly were.

A monstrosity of creation, created by the king of the devils. And within those walls were monsters, fifty meters tall and made to flatten the world before them.

But for now, they lay dormant, waiting for their call. The call of the Founding Titan.

"Eren, are you ready?" a voice said suddenly, pulling him from his thoughts and back to reality.

Around him stood one and half dozen Scouts, all of them ready to do the suicidal and bloody task which awaited them.

They would have to charge through the gates of the district and the crowds of hundreds of civilians who would be fleeing as he entered.

They could be trampled to death as they entered, but it was a risk they had to take to get into the capital and restore the rightful ruler to the throne.

"I'm ready, are you?" He replied before looking around the small crowd, making sure to take in one last glimpse of their faces before they went in.

Nearly all the Scouts were there except for the wounded and two other Scouts, who had remained behind to look after the wounded.

They would be splitting up into three teams, with Levi, Eld and Historia staying behind to follow him once he was captured, and the rest were going to try and get inside wall Sina, where they would then regroup and try and find allies.

It was an insane plan, but it was the best they had given the situation they were in.

"Alright, you all should get back to the horses, I don't want to hurt any of you while transforming," he told the Scouts that surrounded him.

All of them did as he asked, but as they left he saw their faces. Nearly all of them were filled with fear and dread, though some were managing to keep their cool.

Now alone he was able to transform into his Titan. And using a small knife he cut himself on the palm of his hand, which quickly covered his hand in his blood.

He was once again engulfed in a familiar golden glow with the sound of lightning booming in his ear as he was pulled inside his fifteen-meter tall titan.

Steam shot out of his body as it formed up around him surrounding and blinding him temporarily.

After a moment he emerged from the smoke and steam, his eyes blazing green as he stood to his full height.

Back to the BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora