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Levi POV

"They call themselves the Reiss family. But if my father's memories are correct, then they are no regional lords. They could be the true royal family."

A silence hung over them at Eren's words.

The royal family a fake? Well, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me at this point. Humans able to transform into titans, a possible enemy from outside the wall, and now this. The kings who have ruled for a hundred years are nothing but puppets to a regional lord.

"Why would they hide their true identity?" He finally asked, breaking the silence.

"I do not know the true reason, but I suspect that it was to keep attention away from them as they passed on the founding titan from one king to the next."

"How..." Eld started, completely shocked by the revelation. "How do you know this?"

"During the fall of Shiganshina and Wall Maria, my father travelled to the Reiss chapel and ate the king of the walls, taking the founding titan for himself. He then killed the entire family, except the father, Rod Reiss. After that, he presumably passed both titans he had in his possession to me."

Silence once again fell upon them.

So, that is where his father went. I suppose this only confirms what Berhtoldt said. The powers of titans can be passed on.

"So you are the current holder of the founding titan. We can talk about that later, but do you know where the Reiss chapel is?" He asked. "Because from the way you speak of it, to defeat the government, we must kill the puppet master behind the king. So how will you draw him out?"

"Simple, I will hand myself over to the government and he will take me to the cavern where they transfer the power of the titans. From there I can kill or capture him, depending on what is needed," Eren replied without hesitation.

"You want to hand yourself over to the government?" Eld exclaimed. "After all that we have fought and died for. Oluo gave his life to keep them from getting you, and Petra nearly did the same.

"Yes, I want to hand myself over to the government, but that's part of the plan," Eren replied calmly, his face as neutral as ever. "If I don't then this could turn into a full-blown civil war. But if I lure him away and give the government a false sense of security then you can swoop in and take the capital without much of a fight."

"Well, it's not the most stupid plan I've heard. And what if your plan all comes to fruition?" He asked. "If we take the capital with ease and you kill Rod Reiss, what then?"

"We will have to crown a new king within the walls," Eren said simply. "Then prepare for a defence against the other shifters, who will likely be attacking soon.."

"And who will that be?" He asked, his eyes narrowed.

"I don't know," Eren replied, still calm and without emotion. "I suppose someone with royal blood. Perhaps one of the royal family had a bastard or something of the like."

Well, at least he isn't trying to make himself king.

"We'll look into it," he replied quickly. "And we will look into your plan."

"That's a surprise," Eren said with the same monotone voice. "I didn't think you'd consider one of my suggestions, let alone a plan."

"Well don't be a smart ass about it," he replied as Eren stood up. "It isn't the worst plan in the world, and right now we have nothing else. Now go find a job to do."

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