I figured he was overthinking again and probably beating himself up for not getting rid of the girl yet. Especially considering she has been making moves on a very uninterested Jin, lately.

I couldn’t allow him to do that to himself, so I put my finger under his chin and lifted his eyes up so he was looking at me.

I gave him a small smile, silently reassuring him that he had nothing to worry about, before bending slightly to peck his lips.

Jin was obviously uncomfortable being near her, so Jungkook took it upon himself to get up from his position on the floor, and position himself right on Jin’s lap with his back to Danica. The scowl on her face had me almost choking on a snort. Almost.

All the tension in Jin’s body immediately melted away and he wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s torso, shpving his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck and doing breathing exercises.

Jin didn't like his personal space invaded by strangers. It caused extreme anxiety for hik due to traumatic experience from his past and the fact that this girl was constantly invading his space was taking its toll on him.

Jimin and Taehyung snickered under their breaths at the scowl that was now on Danica’s face.

I couldn’t help the amused smirk that crossed my face. Hoseok and Yoongi were also trying not to laugh.

Jungkook was staring right at her, silently challenging her to try and do something.

I guess she wasn’t brave enough to rise up to the challenge because she stood up and stomped out of the room, leaving the guys to snicker behind her.

Jungkook turned to sit sideways on Jin’s lap and looked at Hoseok and I. His focus was mostly on Hoseok when he said, “She needs to go. She’s making Jin uncomfortable.”

“I know,” Hoseok sighs before looking at Jungkook with pleading eyes, his voice barely even a whisper when he adds, “I’m not brave enough to kick her out. Could you be with me when I do it? Tonight, please.”

The pleading tone in his voice and the eyes he was giving him caused Jungkook’s own eyes to soften before a small smile graced his lips.

“Of course I’ll come with you, baby.” Jungkook assures him and they both smile at each other.

The rest of the day is spent much the same. We watch TV, play video games, pool and the likes.

At five in the afternoon, Jin stands up from the couch and announces he's going to cook dinner.

Despite being told to relax for the day, he still insists on cooking us dinner.

He turns down Taehyung's offer to come help him, stressing that he knows the kitchen better than any of us.

The rest of us go back to what we were doing.


×TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT×MENTIONS OF RAPE× flashbacks are indicated with italics and these:××××

I'm in the pantry trying to pick out what to cook for dinner tonight when I hear silent footfalls in the kitchen. I'm guessing it's Jimin judging by how silent and gentle they are.

All my other guys just stomp around the house while he walks more gracefully.

Perks of being a dancer, I guess.

"Jimin, baby, can you ask what the guys want to eat for dinner. I can't seem to decide what to coo-" I cut myself off when I turn and see Danielle at the door of the pantry instead.

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