The Disappearance

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" Hermione breathed just as the door opened and Dumbledore burst through, his wand drawn.

Obviously he did not expect Hermione to be running from Harry, if the shocked expression on the headmaster's face was anything to go by.

"Headmaster!" Hermione said, terrified tears streaming down her face, "Harry- he killed Umbridge!"

Dumbledore regarded Harry before turning to Hermione, "Go to Gryffindor tower Miss Granger."

She fled.

"Hello Harry," Dumbledore said once she'd gone.

The voice made Harry grin, "Hello old man."

Dumbledore sighed, "Tom."

The voice laughed, "Clever as always. I can always count on it."

"Leave the boy alone."

"Oh but he doesn't want to be left alone. You haven't spoken a word to him all year," the voice said scathingly. "But he found comfort in the voice in his head. The voice that told him what to do, the voice that took over in situations that were just too difficult to handle himself."

Dumbledore looked older than ever, "Leave him Tom. He's only a boy."

Harry felt his head shake, "Your boy is a murderer. Your boy and I have become quite good friends."

Dumbledore pointed his wand at Harry, "I apologise Harry," the old man whispered before casting.

The voice laughed. Something inside Harry twisted, and he felt his navel being pulled. Away from Hogwarts. Away from Dumbledore's spell.

Harry Potter disappeared.


The room was pitch black, Harry couldn't see his hand when he held it up to his face. He had his body back, and the voice was silent.

"What is this?" he called into the darkness. "Anybody!"

"Do not panic."

"Where've you taken me?" Harry asked the voice.

"Somewhere safe."

Harry froze. "Say that again."

"I have taken you somewhere safe."

The voice wasn't in his head. It sounded like it was right in front of him.

"What is this?" Harry repeated quietly.


The whispered spell illuminated a face. The face of Tom Riddle.

Harry cried out and scrambled back, "What the fuck!" he yelled. "Why're you here?! I destroyed the diary in second year!"

Ride stepped closer to Harry.

"I am not Tom Riddle Harry."

Harry snorted hysterically, "The hell you aren't. Look at you!"

"Taking refuge in your mind has allowed me to restore myself to my prior appearance." He smirked, "How do you like it?"

Harry gaped at the boy before bursting out into laughter.

"You're telling me that you've been in my head for months?" Harry gasped between speaks of laughter.

Voldemort frowned, "I fail to see the humour."

"You made me kill someone!" Harry exclaimed, still laughing, "Two people!"

"Again. I fail to see-"

"You said it was a good idea to be friends with a bunch of Slytherins!"

"Yes well-"

Harry stopped laughing abruptly. Voldemort stared at him curiously.

"You kidnapped me," Harry said. "Why?"

"I want you to join me. I want you to be at my side while I win this war."

Harry was silent for a moment, "And if I refuse?"

"You're free to go back to Dumbledore. I'm sure there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it by now. After all, you did admit to killing your teacher."

Harry sighed, "That was you."

Voldemort shrugged, "Technicalities."

"Where are we?" Harry asked suddenly.

Voldemort smirked and waved his wand. Lights flickered on to reveal a drawing room. Plush sofas and wooden tables sat on the floor, while small bookshelves lined the walls.

"We are in Malfoy Manor," Voldemort said, "And you will remain here until I say otherwise."

Look at that.
Another update.

We all love a good comeback.

Also if you're liking dark Harry, there's another story on my profile that I'm starting so make sure to check it out.

Until next time

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