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Harry was well aware that people were concerned.

He was well aware that he hadn't exactly been talking to many people, and by that he meant he hadn't been talking to anyone.

He was well aware that Sirius was always staring at Harry, his eyes following where he went. He felt heavy under the gaze of Hermione, always scrutinising, and the worried glances from Ron.

He hadn't been eating these last couple of weeks, he often found himself in his room, the locket in his hand, murmuring out loud to the voice as the cool chain twisted around his hands.

That's where Ginny found him. He had missed dinner (not for the first time) and he heard footsteps thundering up the stairs. The door had burst open and Harry had looked up at her from the floor, his eyes glassy and his skin pale. He had quickly stuffed the locket back inside his shirt.

She stood at the doorway for a moment, looking down at him, the fire in her eyes blazing.

"Why weren't you at dinner?" she demanded.

Harry shrugged, "Wasn't hungry."

"Harry everyone's worried about you!" she exclaimed. "You look as though you haven't slept in days, Mum knows you aren't eating and she's going mad trying to figure out why!"

Harry shrugged again, "Sorry."

Ginny huffed, "What's wrong with you?"

Harry shuddered as he felt the voice's presence enter his mind, the familiar ringing drowning Ginny out.

"She suspects something's wrong Harry. She thinks you're damaged..."

"Damaged?" Harry repeated out loud.

Ginny frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"Your friends say they worry, yet they don't talk to you. They say they are concerned, yet they leave you alone."

"Yeah, they leave me alone," Harry said, staring unseeingly past Ginny.

"Harry what's going on?" she murmured, "Who're you talking to?"

"She knows something Harry...she suspects something."

"What do I do?" Harry murmured.

"Harry who are you talking to!" Ginny exclaimed.

She bent down next to Harry, but his eyes were unseeing and glazed, staring straight through her.

"Do not kill her yet-"

"Kill her?!" Harry said.

Ginny went white and stood up, scrambling away from Harry who was still muttering quietly.

"I'm getting Sirius," she said. But her words fell on deaf ears.

Harry was aware that Ginny had left, he just didn't particularly care.

"You realise you were talking aloud," the voice said.

Harry gaped, "I was? Did Ginny freak?"

"She said she's going to get your godfather."

Harry let out a slow breath and held his head in his hands, "Shit."

"I will guide you through."

"No." Harry said, "You'll only distract me. I don't want to make him more suspicious than he already is."

The ringing grew louder before ebbing away almost completely.

"Very well."

The door was flung open not too long after. Sirius ran inside, with Ron and Hermione close behind him. Sirius crouched down and took Harry's head in his hands.

"What happened? Who were you talking to?"

Harry snorted, "Is that a godfather question or an order of the Phoenix question?"

Sirius frowned, "Both."

Ginny came rushing in next, her red hair flying out behind her.

Harry sighed, "I wasn't talking to anyone. I'm just tired is all."

"That's a lie Harry and you know it," Ginny said. "You were talking to someone. Tell them what you said."

Harry kept his mouth shut tight.

Ginny glared at him, "Fine then. I'll tell them," she turned to Ron and Hermione. "He said something about killing me."

Hermione gasped and let out a frightened squeal. Ron's mouth opened in shock and he took hold of Hermione's arm almost on instinct. Sirius dropped his hands away from Harry's face and twitched his fingers towards his wand.

"I didn't say anything about killing you," Harry retorted. "I just said 'kill her?'"

"Who were you asking Harry?" Hermione said in a small voice, "Who were you talking to?"

Harry shook his head, "No one I swear-"

"Tell me Harry," Sirius demanded, his face stormy.

Suddenly, a very strange feeling enveloped Harry. It was almost as if he sunk backwards in his brain. He could see what was going on through his eyes, but he had no control.

He watched helplessly as he raised his wand and pointed it at Sirius. His godfather's eyes widened in shock and fear, "Harry?" he whispered.

In a voice that wasn't his own, Harry uttered the word, "Obliviate."

Harry saw Hermione gasp as he turned his wand on her and performed the same spell.

"Harry what the hell are you playing at?" Ron exclaimed before Harry cast the spell on him as well.

Ginny stared at Harry in horror as he stood and walked to her, his wand pointed between her eyes.

Harry spoke again, though it was not his voice, "It's so nice to see you again Ginevera. Obliviate."

Ginny slumped to the floor like the others and Harry felt the same strange feeling, only in reverse. He flexed his fingers and found that he could move them again.

"What the fuck was that?" he demanded, fuming, "What did you do to them, what did you do to me?"

"It was necessary Harry, do you know what that spell does?"

Harry thought for a moment, "I think I've heard it before..."

"It was a memory spell. I simply removed the memories that caused this scene. It was the only solution-"

"That didn't involve killing people?" Harry asked darkly.

"I never wished to harm anyone."

"You didn't think that when we were talking earlier."

The voice was silent for a long moment.

"You do not yet understand the power at work here. The lengths I am willing to go for you."

Harry frowned, "I don't understand. And what did you mean when you were talking to Ginny?"

"All in good time Harry Potter. All in good time."

And with a final deafening ring, the voice vanished.

"Harry?" Sirius asked groggily, sitting up and looking around, "What happened?"

Harry lied with ease, "You slipped and hit your head on the bed frame. Don't you remember?"

Sirius shook his head, his gaze fixing on the three other bodies laying on the ground.

"What happened to them?" He asked.

Harry shrugged, "We found a bottle of fire whisky in one of the sock drawers." The lies spilt from his lips without a thought.

Sirius glared at him with mock anger, "No more drinking young man."

Harry laughed, though his insides were churning anxiously, "I can't promise you that."

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