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"Draco dear, put the potatoes down, you've had enough already." 

"Be quiet Pans, I can have as may potatoes as I say so." 

"Don't come running to me when you feel bloated during potions." 

"You're not my mother." 

"I may as well be. What with the amount you need mothering." 

This was becoming a typical lunch at the Slytherin table. Harry smiled in amusement as a piece of potato flew into Pany's hair. 

"Draco Malfoy you'd better watch your back!" she shrieked as Malfoy laughed loudly. 

"Can you two calm down please?" Blaise muttered, "People are staring." 

"Let them look," Pansy said, sticking her nose up in the air, "Anyone who hasn't got the chance to see me today must be terribly upset."

Harry snorted into his lamb chops. 

"I don't see what you're laughing at Potter," Pansy said snootily, flicking her hair away from her face. 

"I'm not laughing at anything-" Harry started, before hearing a scream of rage coming from Gryffindor table. 

Harry turned around to see Angelina Johnson stalking over to him, a murderous glint in her eyes. 

"Merlin, she looks like she wants to kill you," Malfoy muttered, turning around as well. 

Harry's eyes widened as he realised what she was so upset about. 

Quidditch trials. 

Harry may be an outcast in Gryffindor, but he was still the best seeker in the school. 

Soon, Angelina was standing in front of Harry, hands on her hips and a frown on her mouth. 

"Tell me why you though it was a good idea to land a week of detentions during quidditch try outs!?" she exclaimed. 

"It's not like I asked for detention," Harry said, shrugging. 

Angelina glared at him, "Well from what I heard, it sure sounded like you were asking for it." 

Harry rolled his eyes, "Let me guess. Ron told you? Or maybe Seamus?" 

Angelina opened and closed her mouth a few times, before huffing angrily, "Find a way to be there tonight! I don't care if you have to wash Umbridge's feet." 

And with that, she stalked back to Gryffindor table.

"Well she's charming," Blaise muttered. 

Pansy scoffed, "No decorum that one. Not an ounce." 

"She just gets really competitive over quidditch." Harry said, "And I guess she's been made captain now that Oliver's gone." 

Malfoy shoved another potato in his mouth, "Potions is soon, we'd better go." 

Pansy glowered at him, "I hope you choke on that potato, then I can say 'I told you so'."

Draco snatched another one and smiled at her, scooping up his things and walking towards the doors of the great hall. Harry laughed and followed him, Pansy latching onto his arm with Blaise loping behind them. 


"If you need a new seat Potter, I'm sure Longbottom is more than happy to switch with you," Snape said, looking down at Harry. 

Harry sighed. Apparently it was against the forces of nature for him to be sitting next to Malfoy. 

"I'm fine thanks sir," Harry said, inwardly grinning when Snape's face twisted in annoyance. 

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