Christmas eve

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"Ron! Get in here, Mum's cracked open the Ogdens!"

Ron's head snapped up to see Ginny calling out to him. It had just begun to snow outside the burrow and the Christmas eve party was underway. Ron rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. How could he go back to Hogwarts without Hermione or Harry there?

It couldn't be a coincidence, Hermione being murdered two days after Harry had disappeared. Ron thought something was going on. The days after Harry had disappeared, Hermione had been...different. Any time someone brought Harry's name up, her face would pale and her hands would tremor. Ron had thought she just missed him, but the more he thought back, the more suspicious it seemed.

"Ron come on!"

Ginny again, calling him over to where the family were singing a very rousing chorus of 'God rest ye merry hippogriffs'.

Ron turned away from the window and smiled slightly at the scene.

Most of the Weasley's were at the Burrow of course, Molly was dancing in a small circle, tripping every so often, her eyes drooping sleepily as she held her hands out in front of her, no doubt imagining Arthur was there.

Fred and George were both standing on chairs, trying to get the Christmas lights to song along with the radio, but they were only managing an odd spluttering sound.

Tonks had come as well, she and Ginny were sitting on the couch, sharing a platter of mince pies and laughing about something.

Charlie wasn't due to come back from Romania until tomorrow, and Bill was leaning against the fireplace, talking to Moody, who's eye was swivelling around the place while he talked.

Sirius and Lupin were sat next to each other on another couch. Well, maybe 'next to' wasn't an accurate statement, with the amount that Sirius was leaning into Remus they may has well have been on top of each other.

Ron wasn't supposed to talk about Percy, and everyone knew not to mention the argument in front of Molly. Ron thought that his Mum was still hoping that Percy would show up for Christmas, but Ron knew the git wouldn't.

Suddenly, the chatter and music was disturbed by a 'CRACK!' that resounded throughout the whole house. Ron jumped in fright and looked out the window, squinting at a figure in the distance.

In an instant, Sirius was at Ron's side, "Who is that?"

"I can't see..." Ron trailed off.

"What's going on boys?" Molly called.

"Someone just apparated outside our house."

Molly waved a hand, "Go and see if they're all right, it's Christmas eve!"

Ron glances at Sirius, who shrugged and opened the front door. Ron trailed after him, wrapping his jumper tighter around him as the icy wind hit his face. His shoes were soaked through with snow as they kept trudging. The figure was laying down, lifeless.

"Uh, Sir?" Ron called out, "Are you okay?"

The figure didn't stir, his bare feet almost blue.

Sirius sighed and knelt down, turning the body over and gasping. Ron rushed to kneel at his side and gaped in shock.

It was Harry.

He was beaten and bruised, his face black and blue. His clothes were dirty and worn, his hair long and knotted.

"Shit Sirius," Ron breathed.

Harry opened his eyes blearily, "Ron?" he slurred, before going limp.

In a flash, Harry was bundled into Sirius' arms and raced to the Burrow. The wooden door slammed open with a bang and Sirius strode inside, Ron hot on his heels.

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