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After knocking twice, one of the doormen, one of the twins, opened the door to the Iceberg Lounge and, as soon as he saw Thorne, gestured with his head to the back of the club. Which of the two it was, she did not know with certainty, since everyone called them, merely Twin One and Twin Two.

"Future Misses Sionis," the taller twin greeted Thorne and immediately closed the door behind her to avoid unwanted guests, "You know where to find him."

"Hey.", Thorne replied in an occupied voice and let a long look wander through the long hall, where a crowd of people danced in the flickering strobe light to some techno songs that were awful to unbearable.

It was a mystery to Thorne how anyone could stand it here, hours upon hours. The volume, the heat and the smell of sweat and alcohol, were terrible and yet, hundreds of people spent their time in the club. And that every evening. Evening after evening, day after day. Voluntarily. On the other hand, it was a distraction, a welcome diversion from what was happening every day in the streets of Gotham. Just to escape the daily grind, the violence, the horror.

Inside the Iceberg Lounge, there was another club. The club within the club. A much more exclusive one. Only those who had something to say in Gotham or were of value to the city were allowed in. Those who didn't fall into either category also knew nothing about where the real deals were made; what secrets the authorities held or who shook hands with whom, in silence. It was surprising who all came together and socialized here.

To all this, and for this Thorne was infinitely grateful when she arrived in the secluded area, it was quiet. Quiet to the conditions. No intrusive music, just people talking and drinking with each other. Warm it was for the time being, still, far more pleasant than it had been until a few minutes ago, though here the stuffy warmth was exchanged for the smell of cigarettes and cigars.

"Ah, Miss Wilson," an enthusiastic club owner could be heard standing next to Commissioner Savage, signaling with his hand for one of the waitresses to get something to drink, "how's your father? This thing with Fish should go differently. I...."

"It's all good," Thorne kindly dismissed and began to smile placatingly as she arrived at the two men where she shook hands with Oswald, "Worked it out. Everything's all right. No one could have guessed that one of Maroni's men would show up."

"Since when did Maroni have something against Fish?" the police officer posed the question, looking from Thorne to Oswald, "I thought they got along well, at least I always assumed they did."

"We'll find out soon enough what's going on," Thorne replied casually, looking to one table after another, "Has anyone seen Roman?"

"Sitting with Doctor Elliot further back," with these words Oswald pressed into Thorne's hands one of three glasses which the waitress brought to them, "Now, enough of that. Have a nice evening."

We'll see. We. Will. See.

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