Chapter 32

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Rumble's POV
It was starting to get dark. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had left the clubhouse about half an hour ago. I decided to stay, so Scootaloo wouldn't be on her own, since she had no where to go, as far as I knew.
It had been quiet for about ten minutes. Scootaloo, was just looking out at the window, at the setting sun, she really was beautiful, I mean it was beautiful.
" Will you be staying here tonight?" I asked, breaking the silence.
She shrugged. "I don't really care anymore. If it gets cold I'll probably go to Fluttershy's, it's only a few minutes away from here, by scooter." She sighed, not turning her head away from the window.
I slowly walked over to her, trying not to make to much noise, while walking on the wooden floorboards." Do you want me to stay here, tonight too?" I said, trying to look at her eyes, to see if she was ok.
" No, I'll be fine on my own." She said, still avoiding eye contact.
She's hiding something! I thought to myself.
" Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Yup!" She replied.
She's definitely hiding something!
" Why won't you talk to me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked worriedly.
She finally looked me in the eyes, they were full of sadness. Any hope she had was dead.
"I just can't handle this. I've got this weird feeling that something bad will happen or has happened but... I don't know." She started tearing up.
Giving her a quick hug, I replied,
" maybe, we should, go for a short walk, and try to get your mind off of everything."
Wiping away her tears, she nodded.
We walked out of the clubhouse, and slowly made our way towards the town.
The sky was a dark orange, and the sun was almost gone, only a few rays of light still showing. We both looked adoringly at the view. Though Scoots was smiling slightly, it was obvious she still wasn't fully cheered up yet.
Then it came to me. "I'll race you to the end of this orchard." I smirked.
Her eyes literally light up, as soon as she she heard the word 'race'. "Oh, it's on!" She smiled confidently.
"3, 2, 1..."
"Go!" She interrupted and sped on ahead.
"Hey, no fair." I called out, and ran after her.
She was way ahead, but I didn't really care, as long as I could cheer her up.
I'm usually really bad at cheering people up. I'm just too awkward, but I feel more confident around Scootaloo. Just being around her cheers me up.

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