One magical night pt.2

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Your in the bathroom putting on your beautiful dress for tonight. Until you here a knock at your door.

You put on your dress quickly and walk out. You grab the door handle and open it.

To your surprise you see your dad standing at the door.

You look at him and say "can I help you". He looks at you and says "um h-have fun at your dance tonight".

Your shocked because your dad never cares if you have something. You look at him and say. "Thanks dad" he smiles a little bit.

Then you say something that your a little worried about. "So is it okay if I go with the boy I walk with every day". He looks angery for a second and that makes you nervous.

But then you see him take a deep breath in and say. "That's fine but don't stay out to late" now your really confused.

Because by now your dad would have flipped out. You then say "are you kidding me your not mad your not going to beat me or anything".

He looks at you and shakes his head no.

Your surprised but really happy because your thinking your dad is turning a new leaf. Maybe he's turning into the dad he used to be.

You smile and say "I can I get ready please" he looks at you and nods his head in a tiny smile.

You close the door and you have the biggest smile on your face.

You look at the picture of your mom and say "he's coming back mom". You smile and walk to your vanity and then you put make up on.

You look in the mirror and see yourself. You smile because you really do look beautiful.

Ever since you met tamaki you found this new sense of confidence in you. You smile a lot more and your more social.

As your thinking about all that you here a honk from outside.

Sorry this chapter is short pt.3 tomorrow I'm just to tired to write more❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Have a wonderful day or night my children❤️❤️❤️❤️

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