Chapter Two: The Song of A Lonely Bird

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This...this is my home.

Her fingers danced across the white and black keys, her eyes closed as she let the soft music lull her into a state of contentment. The musical theatre was empty, the only one present being herself. Her hair cascaded down her back, her skin appearing almost white under the lights that seemed to burn her skin.

She hit the wrong key, the note of error ringing in her ears as she opened her eyes and stared at her pinky that lay on the black key instead of the white key under it.

She cursed at herself and started again, this time playing slowly and carefully. Her fingertips were slightly calloused, proof of her rigorous practices since she was a child. When she finished the piece with no mistakes, she closed the old piano and stood up, grabbing the music sheet and putting it away in her bag.

Claps were heard, making her turn around quickly to see the morning janitor in the right wing, hidden from the lights.

"That was great, Miss Hyuga." He praised, his American accent coming through slightly even as he spoke Japanese.

"Jake, thank you." She bowed and smiled, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Do you plan on performing it soon? When the theatre is filled?" He walked onto the stage and stared at the rows of empty seats and then glanced at her as she appeared deep in thought.

The place had been empty for months. A mystery that remained unsolved. Countless rumours have been spread about 'the haunted theatre house'. She had no choice to practice here though, it was the closest place to her home, and the only one to let her perform there for free.

"One day..." She followed his gaze, imagining rows and rows of people cheering for her. "I need to go, I won't be back later, my family is coming over again." She pulled her bag onto her shoulder and bowed again.

"That's alright. I may be old, but I'm still fit enough to take care of this place without much trouble." He waved her off.

Smiling, she waved and left the stage and the theatre altogether.

The quiet streets of her little town was what greeted her when she stepped out into the cold air. Pulling her scarf to cover her reddening nose, she walked towards the now open café.

Hinata was hungry and she needed something to eat before she made her way back home. Opening the door, warmth enveloped her and made her smile. She greeted the workers before ordering a hot chocolate and a muffin.

Waiting patiently, she sat at a table and stared at the passing vehicles. It stopped snowing a few hours ago but it looked as though the clouds were gearing up to burst again.

Her name was called not long after so she could pick up her order. She thanked the workers again and left, enjoying the small breakfast as she walked home. Clutching the warm cup, the muffin already gone, she pulled out her phone to call her younger sister.

"Hello?" Her voice was a little bit too loud, making Hinata pull the phone back, "Hinata, you there?"

"Yes, sorry. Are you and father still coming today?" She asked as she fumbled with her keys to open her door, her phone was tucked between her ear and shoulder, making pain erupt at the side of her head the longer she stayed in that position.

"There's going to be a snow storm today...but we might leave early to avoid it, we'll keep you updated."

"Alright, ah, Hanabi, how have you two been?" Hinata slipped on her house shoes, holding her phone in her hand now as she put away her things. She weaved between the rooms, changing her clothes before settling down on the couch.

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