But here she was—clinging onto him—and he couldn't help but a tear slip.

"You weren't the perfect father—or even close to it. But now that I know what you were struggling with—I get it. I really get it dad and—I-I forgive you." Onika said softly and Robert smiled into her shoulder as he shook.

"T-Thank you." He let out quickly and quietly and this was one of the rare times, Onikas father was crying.

"I'm going to miss you." Onika mumbled pulling away. "I'll try to visit atleast once a week—" Robert shook his head—"You really don't have to Onika." He stated and she refused—shaking her head.

"But i'm going to. I—I want to get closer to you again. I have some of my own shit to figure out but—I'll keep you updated for sure." Onika said confidently looking at her father.

Her dark eyes mirrored his. A soft smile appeared on her face. "I love you dad." She said and he smiled as well.

He knew Onika had come a far way, dealing with so much—and he was so proud to not only see her realize her issues but knowing that he's helped her with something he knew could have seriously damaged her if she continued.

"I love you too Wheezy." He stated and she couldn't help but finally laugh at the nickname, "I take it back now—I hate you." She said and he shook her off.

The two went silent, only for a few seconds before robert spoke up.

"Is your girlfriend in there packing up yalls clothes?" He asked with a grin and Onika didn't even register what he referred to Beyoncé as for a few seconds.

"She was asleep when I came out here—wait—" She turned realizing what he had said and he snickered as she threw sand at the side of his face. "Hold your fire—hold your fire I was joking." He exclaimed—ushering the sand away from his face.

Onika blushed profoundly, looking away. "Don't call her that." She mumbled. focusing her attention on the sand and hugging her knees to her chest.

"I apologize, but—you do like her don't you?" He asked and he saw his daughter nod subtly. He liked Beyoncé. He liked that she respected Onika, didn't judge her—and clearly made her feel safe.

That's all he's ever wanted for her.

"So what's your plan after you leave this prison?" He asked with a smile and Onika rolled her eyes before directing them up at the clouds.

"I'm going to—try and start therapy. I was..thinking of maybe going back to school. I only dropped out because of something that...wasn't my fault." Onika mumbled and Robert nodded.

"I like that you have future goals for yourself.  I also like how far you've come." He said and Onika turned to him once again.

"I'm proud of you." He stated and Onika felt tears well up in her eyes and she was right back to hugging him. She hugged him tight, A part of her never wanted to let him go.

"I love you so much." He said and Onika let out a shaky sigh.

Why did this feel like goodbye?

Not a see you later, but—a farewell.

Robert let a tear shed.

They pulled back, looking at each other before hearing a car honk. Onika turned to see Beyoncé packing their belongings in what she recognized as Ming's truck.

She saw Beyoncé waving and Onika looked back at her father. "I'll see you later?" She said—a "bye" didn't feel right. He just nodded wiping his own loose tears. "I'll see you—later." He said and she stood up.

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