Chapter 5

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Winter Rose's pov 

I was dressed in a heavy purple cloak waiting for Flurry to move her tail. She was being escorted to the station by a guard. She wore a thick, fluffy pink cloak. I rolled my eyes and saw the train pulling in. 

"Hey Rosie, you still have that Bakery?"


"Great! The Missus is begging to get some of those chocolate cream puffs of yours."

"Dark chocolate cream puffs with sea salt cream?"

"Yes! I would like -"

"Shut up already!"

I threw Flurry Heart a nasty glare, making her squeak and flinch in fear.  

"So sorry about her Mrs. Opal. I'll send two dozen cream puffs on the house within the week. Or, if you've time tomorrow, you can come by and pick them up."

"That'd be fantastic. I can't come by tomorrow, but I'll be there the day after tomorrow."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then. Tell Ruby I said hello."

"No problem."

Mrs. Opal started running back to the castle, allowing my to turn around and see the train already leaving. I flew toward the train, and boarded just as the conductor was being yelled at by Flurry Heart. I shoved her cloak in her mouth and gave the poor pony our tickets. 

"So sorry about her Mr. Moon."

"It's quite alright Rosie, dear. I'll let it go this once. Ponyville?"


"May I preorder three dozen strawberry shortcake cupcakes with a white chocolate frosting? Little Starry Blossom's birthday is coming up soon and she really wants your cupcakes."

"Sure no problem. I'll discount them and put it as a rush order."

"Oh, no need for that."

"Please, I love that little girl she's like a little sister to me. I don't mind it."

"You sweet angel. Starry Blossom is going to be so happy."

Mr. Moondust hobbled back to the front of the train. I sat in my seat and and took out my notebook. I started writing down the two orders, the discounts, and the dates they're needed by. 

"So, the Royal Insect owns a bakery? How pathetic. Your royalty, why would you ever want to run a bakery?"

"Because I like baking and making everypony happy."

"Does Auntie know about this?"

"Sort of. Speaking of, I have to visit Canterlot Castle to get the last of my stuff."

Having noticed her confusion, I tactfully pretended I didn't. She wouldn't understand, even if I explained it in itty bitty, simple words. The train stopped in the Canterlot station, so I had Flurry get off with me. I bought her a much lighter cloak to cover her before leading her to the castle. 

"Hi Rosie!"

"Hey Miss Twinkle!"

"Hey Rosie, ready for our rematch?!"

"Sorry, but no. Maybe next time Jackpot!"

"Why is everyone treating you like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like your one of them. Like your not a princess."

"They are treating me like a princess. But they're also treating me like a friend, because I know each and every one of them. I treat them nicely and they treat me the same."

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