Chapter 4

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Winter Rose's pov


I groaned as I walked down the Crystal Castle. It's been ten years since my first competition. I'm now fifteen, almost sixteen. Every race Applebreeze entered me in, Flurry joined out of a petty rivalry. I won every single one with her always being in second. She never beat me, and I think it drove her hatred for me even more than it already was. Draco and Apple Spark were still my best friends. 

I ignored Flurry's nasty taunts and continued walking. Aunt Cadence requested I visit her; I tend not to visit the Crystal Empire anymore because of Flurry Heart. I made my way to the throne room, quickly changing my usual looks. My coatless black skin, my transparent green wings, glass like green eyes, and a pretty braid of deep green mane and tail were quickly replaced by a light purple coat, a mane and tail like my Mother only lighter in color, normal pony wings, and a normal pony horn. I kept my eyes as they were. Aunt Cadence disliked my normal appearance saying it was due to some bad memories. She never would go into detail what those memories were, so I never pestered her about it. 

I took a deep breath and walked inside the throne room. Aunt Cadence sat on her throne checking off a list. 

"Ah, Winter Rose. Come in."

"Good afternoon."

I bowed to her but was pulled to her open hooves by magic. I returned her hug and followed her out of the room through a secret door behind her throne. I followed out of the castle to a lovely tea parlor. I disguised myself to look like a regular yellow pegasus while Aunt Cadence wrapped herself in a magic disguise. She looked my height as a blue unicorn. We drank tea and had a few pastries before talking. 

"Rosie, do you know why I summoned to the Empire?"

"No. While I love seeing you and the little tea party, the request really confused me. Is there something wrong?"

"Well yes, and no. I'm sure your well aware, but Flurry Heart has become quite spoiled and a bit of a bully -"

"Aunt Cadence, I'm sorry, but she is more than a bit. She has gone out of her way to try and sabotage me and all the other racers in every competition she's been in, calls me insulting things to my face, and treats everyone poorly. I don't hate her, but she is the worst pony to ever be born."

Aunt Cadence looked down, defeated. I know she knows about Flurry Heart's nastiness as of three years ago. She sighed and drank some of her tea. 

"I've been thinking of ways to teach her humility and kindness, but I can only think of one. It's probably too drastic, so I sought out your opinion."

"What conclusion did you come to?"

I popped a yummy doughnut bite into my mouth, ready to disprove whatever weak-willed attempt she thought up. 

"To strip her of her Alicornhood, and sending her to Ponyville."

That made me choke on the doughnut, making her panic.

"What?! Strip her of her wings and horn?!"

"Yes. I think making her live as normal ponies do, it should teach her hard work, discipline, and humility. Is it going too far?"

"Honestly I was ready to veto any idea you were ready to spout out. Stripping her of her magic is...cruel, but I'm going to have to agree with you. Forcing her to live as ponies normally do would show her that her royal blood could only get her so far. That she has to put in the hard work to go further. I think it's a great idea. I'm sure Mother would approve of the idea."

"How is Twilight?"

"She's great! Just recently she taught me how to bake a cake."

Truth is, I rarely see Mother. I see her at meals and in the castle halls, but she never has anytime for me. I'm pretty sure she forgot she had a daughter. I haven't had a conversation with her since my ninth birthday, of which she missed. I'm not mad though, she's Queen of Equestria and responsibilities, or something similar. She screamed this at me after my ninth birthday when I kept pestering her on why she wasn't there. She apologized right after, but I never sought her company again. 

Winter Rose *On Hiatus*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora