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Something changed between you and Bucky after that night. You still weren't 'friends', but you weren't snapping at each other anymore. Not as much anyway. You'd also slept together another two times.

On the second day, Steve and Sam arrived, Nat, Banner and Clint following a few hours later. They didn't interact with you much, other than occasional comments and questions about food and patrol shifts. You found Bucky muttering to Steve in the corner more often than not.

You kept mostly to yourself until Tony arrived with the others the day after. When he did arrive, you noticed how he also kept separate from the team. Not much, considering the two bed safehouse was now housing over ten people, but he was definitely avoiding them as much as you were.

You sidled up next to him while he was making another coffee, the loud conversation of the team planning from the lounge behind you.

"You okay kid?" He asked, throwing an arm over your shoulder before filling his own cup.

"You're being uncharacteristically quiet." You noted.

"They're asking questions. About you. After the little display on our way here." He looked at you and you chewed your lip. "Gonna have to answer them. How about a duo presentation?"

"Maybe tomorrow." You laughed, moving away from him. "I need to decompress a bit. Too much noise." You said, pointedly nodding towards the group on the sofas.

You headed off to one of the bedrooms, ready to shut the door and draw your way into a blank headspace. Nat and Wanda were now sharing the room with you to sleep, but while the team were plotting in the lounge, you knew you had a couple of hours to yourself.

You knew Tony would be on the other side of the door trying to dodge any more questions about you, at the same time as plotting a mission to keep you safe. You would tell them, just like you started to tell Bucky, but a lot had happened recently, and you just wanted to relax while you could, with an army of Avengers outside your door. You put your headphones in, got out your notebook, and started to draw.

A few hours later, you slowly opened your eyes, looking around. After a few seconds, you realised you'd fallen asleep on the bed, and you groaned with dissatisfaction as you pushed up on the bed and rubbed a hand over your face. You pouted as you realised you could still hear the team talking outside your bedroom, so apparently you hadn't slept through the entire planning session. Now that meant you had to face them, and the questions they had for you and Tony.

As you stretched your arms over your head, you faintly heard someone saying your name. You frowned, looking over at the door. Were they talking about you?

You heard it again, a little clearer, but still muffled enough that you couldn't work out who was saying it. You got off the bed and headed to the lounge.

As soon as you opened the door, the team stopped talking, and all stared over at you with hesitant eyes.

"Uh...sorry to interrupt. Did someone call me?" You asked, and they looked at each other before Sam answered.

"No, I don't think so." He said. "You okay though?"

"Um, yeah, yeah I'm fine." You said with a shrug.

"Good, cos your hair looks a little..." Sam trailed off, moving his hands in different directions above his head, implying that you looked a mess. You walked past him, and smacked him gently in the back of the head as you walked past. "Hey!"

"Hmm, not so sorry." You smiled at him as you went to the kitchen and made yourself a coffee. The conversation between the team started up again behind you, and you barely noticed someone appear next to you.

And take your coffee mug away.

"Bucky don't ever take my coffee away again." You said angrily, trying to take it back. He held it out of reach.

"It's 9 o'clock at night, princess." He said, putting the cup down on the counter. "You need to go back to sleep soon."

"I've just had a nap."

"And tomorrow is a big day. So you're going to eat and go back to bed." You narrowed your eyes at him. "Or do you need tiring out first?" He smirked.

"As if you would with everyone here."

He stepped closer to you. "I can keep you quiet enough."

"Quiet isn't the issue." You retorted, poking a finger into his chest and sending a light static shock into him. You watched his muscles tense, but his body barely moved. His eyes visibly darkened though.

"As much as I'd enjoy that, you're probably right." He whispered. "Coffee in the morning. Food and sleep first." He gently, slowly pushed your finger off his chest as he spoke.

"Shame." You said with a small smile. "Not really what I'm craving anymore." He clenched his teeth as you turned away from him, and settled on the sofa next to Tony, pretending to immerse yourself into the planning process while you watched Bucky sit opposite you, next to Sam.

A couple of hours later, everything was wrapped up, ready to start again the next day. They were working out where to investigate next, where Hydra were likely to be, who to station here at the safehouse with you and Bucky. They didn't have any new information to go on, so it was like the blind leading the blind with limited access to Tony's tech in a very overcrowded, wooden forest cabin in the middle of nowhere.

You went to sleep at the same time as Wanda, both of you sharing the bed. You and her hadn't exchanged many words since she'd come to the safehouse, but there was some kind of shared understanding between you. Like you had things in common, like she was already looking out for you, like you were friends. Maybe it was because your powers were similar, maybe it was because you weren't too far apart age wise. Whatever it was, it gave you a sense of calm that you very rarely had around people. For now, you were grateful for it, and accepted it without much thought.

In the morning, Bucky was one of the first awake, and started on making coffee for himself, and you. He'd slept in the lounge with Sam and Steve, none of them needing a bed, and all of them having slept on worse than a wooden floor.

He grabbed both mug handles in one hand as he walked over to the bedroom you were in, knocking lightly on the door and walking in slowly, quickly looking around over Nat, who was lifting her head up from her position of sleeping on the floor, and Wanda's snoring body on the bed.

You weren't there.

"Where is she, Nat?" He asked quietly, as to not wake Wanda. Nat blinked, then looked around, sitting up.

"She was here earlier. Bathroom?" She suggested. He left the room, and headed to the bathroom, knocking on the door and pressing his ear against it.

"Luka?" He said into the wood. Nothing. Silence. He licked his lips as anxiety started bubbling inside him. He went and put the coffees down on the counter, and headed outside.

The sound of him opening doors, calling your name, andrushing through the cabin started to rouse the others. When he came back into the lounge, Steve and Sam were both frowning at him.

"What is it Buck?" Steve asked in concern.

"She's not here." He spat back in response.

"She probably went for a walk. We'll find her." Sam reassured him, while Steve was already giving orders to the team to cover the grounds outside. Sam put his hands on Bucky's shoulders, trying to calm down his obvious panic, but Bucky shrugged him off and shot back out the front door.

He stormed through the grass, frantically looking between the trees surrounding them, still calling your name. He started looking at the trees themselves, seeing if he could spot anything, any indication of your clothing, your hair, whether they were bent a certain way. Anything to indicate where you'd gone.

His steps stumbled when he reached one tree in particular.

"No.." He muttered as Nat walked up to him.

"You find something?" She said, as Bucky continued to stare at the tree. She looked at it as well.

On the side of the tree, in dripping red spray paint, was the Hydra symbol.

Bucky yelled, and punched through it.

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