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You stared at him for another few minutes as he drove, and he never once looked at you. His eyes were glued to the road, his entire body rigid as he focused all his energy on controlling the car. He wasn't exactly sure what, but he could still feel something coming from you, an aura, or a forcefield of sorts, letting him know that you were not ready for a conversation. Neither was he.

It took an hour and 20 minutes to get to the safehouse. He parked the car under a shroud of low hanging tree branches, and ran round to your side to help you out, his arm wrapping around your waist to help you down.

He quickly let go of you to get your bags out of the back.

The woods you were in were silent. Only the soft rustle of the grass under Bucky's boots.

"Stay behind me." He muttered, shrugging his backpack onto his shoulder and holding your suitcase in his right hand, his left getting his gun out of his holster.

You felt the familiar disdain bubbling inside you - did he seriously still not think that you could take care of yourself?

You followed him, stomping behind him, knowing you were irritating him. He suddenly stopped.

"You think you could quieten down?" He hissed over his shoulder.

"You think you could walk faster? You're a supersoldier, I have magic powers. They didn't follow us, and I just want to go to bed." You scoffed. He didn't move for a beat, but then he started walking again.

Within a few minutes, you'd reached a wooden cabin. It looked small, innocuous, but you knew that looks were deceiving. Stark built these safehouses.

Bucky made you follow him as he walked around the building first, then he made you follow him around the house as he checked each room (all four of them) and had locked the building. When he finally gave you the go ahead, unclipping his holsters, you stormed off the bathroom, feeling an urgent need to scrub your skin.

He caught the door before you shut it behind you.

"Stop all this stomping." He growled.

"I'm trying to have a shower." You retorted.

"We are in hiding." He said, taking a step inside the bathroom, but not looking directly at you. "Stark will be here soon, but until then, you need to lay low. No stomping. No powers." His voice sounded angry. But you knew his eyes would tell a different story if he would look at you.

"Right, even though I just saved your fucking asses?!"

He just turned and walked out of the bathroom, the door closing behind his retreating figure. You exhaled. You rubbed your hands over your face.

Then the door opened again.

He marched back in, pushing you against the sink and kissing you. One hand on your cheek, the other on your hip. His mouth urging yours open, his tongue begging for entrance, his fingers gripping you tight. He whined into your lips when you put your hands on his waist, pulling him to you, like he'd been waiting for your touch.

Just like you'd been waiting for his.

"You're so fucking annoying." He breathed into your mouth.

"Feel free to fuck off then." You replied in an incredibly similar breathy tone.

You let his hands grab your thighs, lifting you up until you wrapped your legs around his hips. He stepped backwards, his legs a little unsteady as he rushed to kiss you again and again. He pressed you against the bathroom door for a moment, and you moaned at the contact of him against your core, the cold wood on your back. He rocked against you, making you moan again, as he kissed you.

All Our Flaws Are Aligned [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now