For a better Tomorrow

425 14 7

Warning- scenes of loss and violence ahead.

Gyutaro was finishing eating his hunt, blood dripped down his chin and he exhales. The iron taste numbs his hunger, he was satisfied. Grabbing his sickles, he approaches the tight alleyway, not bothering in cleaning up the gruesome mess he had just made. His yellow eyes scan the area, the streets were busy, people walked aimlessly and their chatter carries out into the evening. He narrows his eyes to the crowd. Vermin, all of them, none deserve to have mercy nor sympathy thrown their way. It's what they deserved after treating him and Daki like they were worth nothing when all they were doing was trying to survive. He would never show them any pity.

His thoughts are interrupted with a small child running after her ball, the light jingle guides her and she is giggling happily. The ball gently hits his feet and she pauses scanning the mysterious figure. He was still hidden in the shadows, the girl looks at him curiously, her eyes deciphering who the figure was, a smirk clouds his lips and he gets an idea.

He grabs the small toy, emerging out of the darkness, his own shadows towers her and he crouches down, arm stretched presenting the ball. The girl is stunned and stares at him with her mouth wide open. He starts chuckling, he was ready to see her cry and run away in fear, he had no interest in hurting her but the fact he could taunt her, entertained him.

Small hands grab the toy and his chuckle stops, he looks back at her and sees that she is smiling, slowly she takes her toy and bows to him.

-Thank you sir!

Gyutaro creases his eyebrows in confusion and glares at her, but the girl doesn't move, she is still smiling at him and her soft voice breaks the silence.

- Why are you hiding?

He scratches his neck in annoyance and sneers at her. Just who was this kid and why is she asking him questions!? Wouldn't she have ran away by now after seeing something as horrendous as him?

- Why do ya care?!

She doesn't flinch but looks at him sadly.

Are you lonely?

Gyutaro is stunned, face blank and mouth hung open, he was still covered in blood and clearly wasn't human, why the heck wasn't she scared of him? And why did she care if he was lonely!?He turns around and glances at her sideways.

- You shouldn't be talking to a demon kid...go home...

He starts walking back into the shadows but destiny had another plan for the upper moon.

- But...demons can be friends...

He halts and stares back at her fully, she was staring at her tiny feet.

- Mama said...Mama said that not all demons are bad and I don't think you are a bad demon sir!

He crouches back to the girl and hangs his head sideways, clearly baffled.

- What makes ya think that?

She looks back up at him and grins, the gap from her missing front tooth made her look silly but she was still adorable.

- Because you just help me get my toy! You decided to be nice and help!

He chuckles giving up, clearly entertained by the kid's own naivety, he tussles her hair and gives her a small smile. She giggles in return, standing on her tippy toes showing the same action, gently petting his head.

- (N/A) we are leaving!

- Coming Mama!

She runs back to the voice calling her but stops turning back to him, she waves gently and grins again.

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