How we loved

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******Attention has scenes of smut*****

Laughs echoed throughout the festival streets, you had purchased with Gyutaro some small fireworks and were now lighting them up by the river. Your glee spins and ecstatic giggles made Gyutaro feel like he was drunk. The sheer happiness that the both you shared in the moment, it all felt like a long dream. You cheekily threw some small crackers next to a group of young couples who had earlier on made some disgusting comments about Gyutaro. The woman screeched as her boyfriend stumbled on his feet, falling face first onto the ground.

You laughed pointing at the group.

- That's what happens when you say nasty things you pigs!

The man was furious, getting up ready to retaliate but Gyutaro grabbed (n/a)'s hand and the two ran away, laughing maniacally.

The wind going through your tied locks felt refreshing, against your red face, the cold prick of winter made your cheeks redder than usual, or was it the constant strings of laughter that you and Gyutaro seem to be in.


Gyutaro pulls you into an alleyway corner, shielding you against his big frame. The two of you both cover each other mouths, tears threatening to spill over as you held your laughter in. It didn't help that the both of you looked like swollen pufferfishes who had gotten sunburnt.

The man passed by with the group, throwing frustrated shouts as he tried desperately to find the two of you, however the group pass by without never noticing and as they turn the corner, your laughter finally spills.

You laughed, laughed and laughed. Holding your aching belly, you begged Gyutaro to stop, but he also made similar requests.

Ah, this is nice.

As your laugh subsided you begin to notice just how tall the man was compared to you. Your head was against his chest, the dark blue yukata he decided to wear was revealing it and his musky smell from running hits your nostrils making you hyper aware of the situation. He was now your partner and said partner was squishing you against the wall, with his chest half out, sweating near your flushed face. Oh dear.

Gyutaro's laugh slowly stops and as he looks down at you, he notices that your were blushing, equally realising just what type of position they were in. It didn't help that earlier on that you both had shared your first kiss, his eyes dart from side to side, checking if anyone was around.



He gently places a finger on your soft lips, his eyes, he was greedy, heck he looked starved, you swallow dry and try to avoid his intense gaze, but his hand gently guides your face up to him.

-Don't hide, you're beautiful...

A sigh leaves your lips and you smile sheepishly at the tall man. How could you not feel embarrassed? He was giving you the exact look that made you simply melt.

- Can't help it Gyu...your'e too handsome...

Gyutaro slowly kisses your lips, each peck becoming slower and wetter by the second, he then moves his lips to kiss your cheek, then down to your neck, the scent you were giving was intoxicating. He wanted more, to gnaw on your shoulder, rub his face all over your skin just to able to imprint himself onto you, so no other demon nor man would dare touch what's his.

You shyly kiss Gyutaro's cheeks, he was so cold but for some reason his kisses felt like fire. Gently your fingers brush against his messy ponytail tugging for support, he was extremely tall after all.


-What's so funny Gyu?

Gyutaro kisses your forehead and smirks down to you.

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