How we fell

346 9 13

WARNING - this chapter has strong gore and high stress scenes, if you are sensitive to this type of material, I do advise that you don't read this chapter.

Reader discretion is advised.

You just couldn't believe it.

This was the last thing you wanted to happen, your stepmother had returned and was now sitting across the table. You nervously scratch the top of your hand, you really wanted for things to go smoothly tonight and this completely turned everything upside down. The nerves return and your stomach feels queasy, this was custom whenever Mei was in the same room as you. The dreaded initial nerves had now become more unsettling, it's as if she was sucking the air right out of you.


You retract your focus and turn to Gyutaro. He had gently stopped your scratching and was smiling at you, you smile back weakly and take a breath in.

- So...this is the man that captured our (n/a)'s heart? Hmmm..

Gyutaro stares blankly at the woman, you were impressed on how calm he was, it almost seemed like he knew he had the upper hand.


Mei begins laughing frantically and your father flinches at the sudden sound, Gyutaro's eyes slowly narrow.

-What's so funny?

Mei glares back at Gyutaro, scoffing at his unknown mistake.

-Don't you dare address me so casually, it's Mei-sama to you.

Your father clears his throat sending Gyutaro an apologetic smile.

-I'm sure the young man didn't mean to offend you wife, it's an honest mistake.

Mei pouts at him and grabs his arm.

-Oh darling! I am so sorry I'm so cranky...the business trip was so tiring~

You mutter lowly whilst sipping your tea.


Gyutaro holds in a snicker and Mei glares back at you, but the woman quickly smirks re directing her attention to your lover again.

-Young man, what is your name?


-Gyutaro? My, your parents must've been creative.

- I wouldn't know.

You stare at Gyutaro, he still seemed as nonchalant as ever drinking his tea. wouldn't you?

-Never met my father and mother died when I was very young.

Your father stares at Gyutaro in shock.

-I'm sorry about that Gyutaro.

Gyutaro shakes his head and smiles at your father.

-Too long to even remember...

Your eyes get teary, it broke your heart to know that he didn't get the chance to live with a loving family, it pained you more thinking how he lived his life up until now. We're you alone all this time? You couldn't bare the thought. But Mei was enjoying every second of it, she wanted to probe more and see the pathetic demon twirl around her fingers.

- It is indeed so sad to hear. May I ask where did they come from?

Gyutaro clenches his fists and stares back narrowly.

-...Rashomon Riverbank.

Mei chuckles, flashing one of her wicked smiles at Gyutaro. think...abandoned by his parents and left in such a dangerous and nasty place. Not everyone is as fortunate as us, right darling?

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