How we longed

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You cackled with Hanako, the young woman behind you was wiping her tears away. The two of you were recalling what you said to Mei after she so rudely implied that you were playing around. Hanako's violet eyes crinkle from joy, she can't believe you finally gave the witch a much needed piece of mind. Inhaling a deep breath, you re applied your makeup, tonight you were going to finally assist your father with one of his top clients. So naturally, everything had to be perfect, you were represented the Masayoshi family after all. The serious expression that now clouded your face gave Hanako goosebumps, yeah your were a copy of your mother but some of your mannerisms really resembled your father.

Hanako slowly shakes her head and adorns your tight bun with beautiful small ornaments, you pass her the pin Gyutaro gave you, requesting her to also pin it on. Hanako smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.

-Hahaha! Hanaaakoooo, stop being a tease!

-Can't help myself (n/a)-sama, the young lady has finally found her one and only true love!

Hanako does a dramatic pose and you chuckle. You really did enjoy her company, but you felt guilty that you weren't spending much time with her as you began your training once again, spending most of your free time with Gyutaro. You gently grab Hanako's hand and sending her an apologetic look.

-I'm sorry dear Hanako...I've been so caught up with everything that I haven't spent any time with you or everyone else.

-Oh (n/a)-sama, please do not be harsh on yourself! We understand that there is a lot going on, especially with that horrible woman's arrival.

Hanako sneers at the thought of the her masters new spouse, but her face grows soft when she looks back at you. She hugs you from behind and the both of you smile at each through the mirror. As long as you could remember, the two of you have always been tight knitted, you grew up together and remained close friends since day one. Resting your head on her, you rub your cheek against Hanako's and mewl at your best friend.

-Ahhhhh sweet Hanakooo~~ when will you find someone so I can tease you too?~~

- In your dreams (n/a)-chan~~

You cheekily poke your tongue out at her and she does the same. Laughter soon bounced from the walls as two childhood friends get ready for the evening.

You slip on your getas and take your father's satchel full of his materials, he was not fit to be carrying heavy things as he was still using his crutches. The two of you bid your farewell, as the maids bow at the entrance, Mei was away for business much to their relief, so tonight wouldn't be bad at all.

You gently wrap your arm around your fathers and you proceed to go into the busy city. In town he greets everyone who stops by and greet him, he was indeed notorious, more Oirans begin requesting more of his services and he humbly accepts stating he would do his best. You smile gently at every interaction, the poor man could hardly stand on his own but his sheer kindness and passion for his craft made you really want to do your best.

You both arrive at the Kyogoku House, the man of the house greets the both of you and starts preparing for your appointment. Strangely, the man seemed incredibly nervous, you glance at you father but he seemed unbothered. So why was everyone nervously looking at you two? Just who exactly were you going to commission for?

Your father bows at the door and announces his arrival.

- Warabihime-sama, we have arrived.

A cold stern voice tells the man of the house to open the shoji, you quickly bow next to your father. The dark room is filled with perfumed smoke, inside the most beautiful Oiran you have ever seen.

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