Additional Promotional Material

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Covers are not the only way to hype your fanfiction. Here's a quick rundown of some other promotional material:

Allegiances - Allegiances provide another opportunity for people to discover your fanfiction. Personally, I have found many fanfictions through their allegiances.

Maps - These show the overall territory of the setting of your story. They will help readers visualize the environment, and if people decide your world looks cool, they will likely take a look at your story.

Previews/Sneak Peeks - Before releasing your story, you could post small snippets of your work that seem pretty attention-grabbing. This is one of the most promising ways to gain readers, because if they like it, they have the largest incentive out of all other promotional material to actually read your fanfiction.

Teasers - As we discussed back in the Writing Chapters section, teasers are small stories that take place in the same world as your story, but happen away from the main plot, and is often only subtly related to the conflict. These can also hook in readers well because if they want to know more about this universe and possibly the characters, they have to read the fanfiction.

Thank you for going through this overly long guide! It seems like here are so many rules to remember and so many things to think about when you're writing, but the best part about writing is that you can always bend the rules! You don't have to follow this strictly, you can change up some things if you'd like. Like I said, it really is all up to you. Just remember to have fun, after all, this is just a simple Warriors fanfiction. I wish the best of luck to your writing!

And because I know someone will say it, I'll address it now: I am NOT trying to police people on the projects they do for fun. Everyone is allowed to write about what they want in any way they please. This guide is supposed to be a source for inspiration and advice/tips on how to improve it. I'm not saying that just because you don't write like me or follow these rules to a T, that makes your story bad.

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