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Usually what really makes or breaks a prologue is how good or bad the prophecy is, if your story has one. Prophecies are sort of the routine thing to do in Warriors stories, but they're hard to get right. Again, prophecies shouldn't tell the whole story or reveal everything about the character's destiny. They should leave some things to be unknown.

It can be argued that the "Fire alone will save the Clan" prophecy is actually really good. Sure, we know Firestar is obviously the star of this prophecy, but what does it really mean to save the Clan? Was is chasing out Tigerclaw in Forest of Secrets? Was it defeating Scourge? Was it restoring SkyClan? Or was it Firestar killing Tigerstar in The Last Hope? Firestar did tons of great deeds that could be considered saving the Clan, so you never had the prophecy fully figured out. It's the mystery that makes it great.

Really, just don't do a prophecy like, "The bright leaf will destroy the dark claw and rule the Clan." Make it more vague. Better yet, don't even include a prophecy. More often then not, prophecies just give things away and it just makes your story look bad. A fanfiction without a prophecy would actually stand out.

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