Building Your World

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Alright, we've got our story and characters, so where will it all take place?

The final part to planning your story is creating your world. Most fanfictions use fanClans, because they don't have to worry about ruining the continuity in the canon universe. We already start off with the basic world of Warriors as a template, and now it's time to change some of the assets.

But be careful, the biggest trap is forgetting some part of the Warriors world! Be sure to remember the Warrior Code, the already established medicine and herbs, and the slang. (Twoleg, fox-length, kittypet, etc.)


When dealing with made up Clans, you need to know:

How many Clans there areWhat overall territory they live inWhere they hold GatheringsWhere their Moonstone isThe qualities of each ClanThe basic history of how they came to beLet's start with the first one. On average, fanfictions have four Clans. However, there can be three or two, or even five. I would advise not going over five or six Clans, as that is way too many cats. But you should stay above one Clan, unless you have a reason for just one Clan living alone.

Now, where do these Clans live? In the books, the Clans live at the lake. Think of a piece of land that could apply to a variety of lifestyles. A forest is generally the best choice, but you can get really creative with this.

Every Warriors world has a place for Gatherings and consulting StarClan. Your Fourtrees, ideally, should be in the center of the territory and be large enough to hold a ton of cats. There should be some sort of high ground for the leaders to sit at. As for your Moonstone, find a place that is more secluded or closed off from the other Clan territories. In the books, cats touch their nose with the Moonstone or Moonpool before they dream. What rituals do your cats have to perform?

Now for the part you've been waiting for! What is each Clan like? Give your Clans a name that will make readers think of certain qualities. Think about how each Clan uses their territory to their advantage, and the society that might stem from that. What does each Clan value? What are they known for by the other Clans? And you don't just need to focus on Clan territory, but also the Clan camp. Where is each den, and what are they made of? Do some research on what you can find in the territory you've given your fanClan. This includes herbs, prey, and other items. Lastly, what are some famous landmarks in your territory? It could be a big tree or boulder, or something left by Twolegs. There's really no right or wrong here.

*The only thing you should be wary of is accidentally making all of your Clans parallel to the original ones. Try to break away from what the books have done and make new personalities for each Clan.

And finally, while it doesn't need to be fully explored, it's useful to know how your Clans came to be. You can do more than just the typical origin story like in the books. Maybe the first Clans were just small congregations of kittypets seeking a more thrilling life in the beginning, and slowly they became more civilized. You can do a lot with this.

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