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I cried throughout the journey. I had never expected that Rey would disclose everything to my family, especially my mother. He knew that she had recurrent panic attack. He had no right to tell her about some year. I swore on God I'd never forgive him if something happened to my mother. I looked at Sameer and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I had believed that he was changing for me, for himself, but our life but I was proved wrong. He was still in a relationship with the person he was in love with. What about those feelings that he said he had developed for me? How could a person be in love with two people at the same time? I was a fool to have believed him. It was my mistake. I could not bring myself to except his infidelity and while I was still grappling with these thoughts, I had found out about my mothers panic attack. These two had been my mistake—to believe that a Rey could be a loyal friend. He was not. He could never be. Sameer had betrayed me. Rey had hurt me too. Neither of them deserve me.

I jumped out as soon as the car pulled into our hospitals driveway. Rushing towards the information desk, I asked for my mother.

"Taani!" Dad called out to me before the receptionist could fill me in with the details.


I turned to look at him and rushed into his arms.

"How's Mumma? What happened?"

"It was a panic attack . . . . I was fortunate enough to bring her here on time," he told me, gripping my hands tightly.

"Is she OK?" I asked, tears rushing down my face.

"Yes, she is absolutely fine now."

"Thank God . . . ." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"But Taani . . . . what a Reytold us about Sameer . . ."
he said, his voice trailing off.

I opened my eyes and looked at him my body trembling.

"Is it true?" he continued.

"What are you saying?" I asked him in a whisper, shocked.

"Rey was here a few minutes ago and he told me everything about Sameer when I asked him."

A flash of heart appeared in his eyes when I did not defend Sameer. Rey had told my parents the truth, and I saw no point in denying it now. My silence had spoken for me.

"Taani . . . ." he gasped. "Does this mean that it's true?"

I bit The inside of my cheek and nodded, fresh tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I turned away from my fathers gaze.

"Taani . . . . why didn't you tell us . . . . why?" he asked.

I looked back into his eyes. A lump formed in my throat as I forced myself not to break down.

"Do Yash and his wife know about this . . . . do they know?"

"Only Aunty knows." I said slowly.

"Why did she keep this from us? Why?"

He frowned, anger filling his eyes.
I wiped away a tear that rolled down my cheek.

"And for how long were you going to keep this from us?" He asked.

A feeling of deep remorse made me turn away again.

"Oh God," he said, shaking his head. "I can't believe you have hidden this from us for so long. If it hadn't been for Rey, we would have never found out. I'm so grateful to that boy. Taani . . . . what were you thinking?"

Disappointment flooded his face.

"Dad, I'm sorry . . . ." I whispered, choking.

"I swear I won't spare Yash and his son." he said, shaking his head.

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