Looking for a Ride❓❗️

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Sameer and I parted ways a couple of months back. I was happy it all ended on a good note. I wouldn't see the conversation with his parents was easy. We felt ashamed, embarrassed, but I told them to stay strong. Auntie apologized for re-buffing our earlier attempts to tell her the truth. I asked his parents for only one thing— to accept Sameer for who he was he was still there son whom he had made them proud by securing a gold medal it is university; he was still the son who gave up his promising career in Canada to look after his family business in London; he was still the same son who gave up the person he loved to marry the girl office parents choice because he couldn't make them unhappy. I told them that I could not spend my life with someone who's feelings were divided. I gave our relationship another chance after I found out about him, but later realized we were just fooling each other.

Uncle and auntie, and even Sameer wanted to resume working in the company but I politely refused. I wanted to get away from all this to explore my options and contemplate my life. So when an opportunity to work in a leading design firm in Manchester presented itself, I could not say no. I moved to Manchester as soon as the divorce was settled. Leaving my past behind paved way for a better future, for better days, where there was no darkness. I could breathe freely I was only responsible for myself and that feeling was liberating. I was happy that I had stood up for myself, that I had mustered up the courage to start afresh and become self-reliant. I felt like my old self again— lighthearted and happy go lucky. The episode with Sameer had brought a great deal of pain, but I had bounced back. I didn't know I had it in me to live independently. There was a time when Samir meant the world to me; when I couldn't even think about a life without him. But that had changed. I still loved him but I was no longer in love with him. Perhaps, I would never was. And Re was right about one thing. I did not love him. I only loved the idea of him.

As far as Rey was concerned, I was not in touch with him. He had blocked my number on his cell phone as well as on WhatsApp. Later I realize that I had not even added him on Facebook. I did try to get in touch with them but in vain. I tried to look up his studio on Google to get an address or a landline number but then I realized I'd never asked him the name. I miss him terribly. He had always been there for me but I had always push them away. After this episode, I realized he was more than just a friend. I realized he I had feelings for him. But I was glad he had decided to break all contact and stay away. A selfish, self-centered person like me could only bring unhappiness. I had always broken his heart, belittled his emotions. I didn't deserve his friendship, let alone his laugh. I knew he had made no attempt to look for me in all these months. This pained me but I didn't blame him for it. I respected his decision.

I had finally moved on and settled in my new life I shared an apartment with a girl named Julia who worked in a bank. She was sweet and usually kept to herself. This gave me plenty of time and space for self reflection.

After a busy week, I finally found some time to unwind. It was a Saturday but Julia had to work overtime, so I had the apartment to myself. I had already decided how to spend my weekend—wear pajamas, make myself fettucine Alfredo and then binge watch all the episodes of Game of Thrones. As I was preparing the white sauce for the pasta in the kitchen, the duel doorbell rang. I rinsed my hands and walked up to the door to unlock it. There was no one outside. I was about to close the door when my ice fell on a large package kept against the wall. I craned my neck to see who had left it and caught a fleeting glimpse of someone rushing down the stairs. Might have been the delivery guy, I thought.

There was no name on the small note paste it neatly on the box, except my name and address.

"Who sent me this?" I whispered to myself.

I somehow managed to drag it into my living room. I've been struggling with the brown wrapping paper for 10 minutes, I pulled out a black and white portrait of myself. I took a few steps back to look at the gigantic picture. Memories from that time came flooding back and I was transported to the another time—Rey and I cycling through the streets of London, giggling, soaking up the sun. I remembered that vividly. I also remembered that the photographer had caught me unawares. I knew who he was. I knew it was him.

As the realization dawned on me, I dropped everything and ran as fast as my legs could carry me out of the door and down the stairs. I looked around, my frantic eyes searching for him. But he was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn . . . ." I hissed, letting out and exhausted gasp.

"Looking for a ride?"I heard someone say from behind.

My face broke into involuntary involuntary smile and I quickly turned around.

Rey stood a few feet away from me, grinning.


Yaayyyy!! Finally Rey aa gaya!!! 😂💃🏻💃🏻
Well, is se ab ap logo ko idea hogaya hoga ke ab meri ye story ka end hone laga hai, so let me tell u, next chapter will be a EPILOGUE! Oh yeah!! 😜😎

Thanku in advance for liking my story, not as much as I expected😏 but chalta hai, koi nahi!! Still thanks alot for bearing my lazyness😂🙈 But I love you all, and I'm also gonna miss my this story. Don't know about you😜 But this is very special to me. Because this is my first story on TaaRey♥️🙂

Stay happy my lovelies..!!!
Now please do comment and let me know what do you like or dislike about my story, because it's much needed🙏🏻🌈


All Of My Heart❤️💔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora