Favourite Days💛 (pt 2)

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    Hey, can you come and pick me up earlier today?
   Around 12?

We had exchanged numbers right at the beginning but had never sent each other messages before this. I hurriedly got up and ran towards the washroom. Vihaan looked at me with puzzled face.
    'What's the hurry?' He asked but I slammed the door shut.
     After a quick bath, I wore my favourite pair of black pant and a dark-blue turtle-neck sweater.

REY'S OUTFIT   I quickly dried my hair and ran down the stairs

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   I quickly dried my hair and ran down the stairs.
   'Rey?' Maa called out just as I was about to step outside.
    'Yeah, Maa?' I turned around to look at her, the car keys dangling from my fingers.
    'Where are you going?' She asked, looking at the keys. 'You have not even had breakfast.'
     'Maa, remember the client who is taking driving lessons? Well, she has asked me to come earlier today,' I told her the truth. There was nothing to hide. It was not like I was going to meet my girlfriend. It was pure business.
   'But first have your breakfast, na.'
   'I'll pick something up on the way. Okay? Bye!' I hoped into the car and drove it out of the garage.
    I was eager to see her, to meet her.
  I picked her up at around 11:45 a.m., and then she drove us to the outskirts, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
     We picked up pita bread sandwiches on our way as I had not eaten anything since morning. She parked the car on the side of the road and stepped out. She was wearing black stockings with an oversized red cardigan and boots.

TAANI'S OUTFIT    She walked upto the bonnet of the car and sat cross-legged on it even as she unwrapped her sandwich

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    She walked upto the bonnet of the car and sat cross-legged on it even as she unwrapped her sandwich. I stood beside her, eating slowly, looking at the view infront of me.
     'What do you want to be when you grow up?' She suddenly asked, licking a speck of sauce off her lips.
I turned to look at her.
    'Grow up?' Are we still toddlers?' I laughed at my own joke.
     'Ugh. C'mon. Everyone has dreams. You know. Something you would like to achieve.'
    I want you. That's my dream. For now, I thought, smiling to myself. I wished I could say that to her but kept my thoughts to myself.
     'Well, if that's what you're asking... I want to be a Photographer, a professional photographer. I have always been fond of taking pictures. In fact, I want to go abroad and study photography but I can't,' I said, sighing heavily.
    'My family wants me to become a banker or a financial analyst.'
     'How boring!' she said, her face twisting into a grimace.
    I nodded, looking away.
  'So, photography, huh? Wow. That sounds great. Do you have a camera?' She asked.
    I laughed.
  'Yeah, but I don't have a DSLR.' I told her.
  'Any other then?'
'Yeah, I have a digital camera in my bag,' I said, waving my hand in the air.
   'Oh, great. Will you take a picture of me? Basking in sunlight and smoking a cigarette?' She laughed.
    'Are you sure?' I looked at her in a wide-eyed surprise.
    'Ofcourse, I am.' She quickly opened her bag and took out a pack of cigarettes.
      I walked towards the boot of my car to get my backpack. After rummaging through the books, I finally found my camera and walked back to Taani.
    'Is this pose good enough?' She asked, looking directly at me. There was a cigarette between her lips and she turned her head to look ahead— her eyes distant and faraway.
     'Perfect,' I said and smiled.
    'Make sure I don't look fat in it.'
  I smiled to myself as I clicked the picture.
    'Show me, Show me! She tried to take the camera.
   'Wait, Wait.' I sat down next to her and showed her the picture.
    'Wow. Ah-ma-zingg!! You indeed know how to take a good shot!'
     'Really?' I turned to look at her.
     'Yes, dude.' She gave me light pat on my back.
  Her touch sent shiver down my spine, and I almost blushed.
      'Infact, you should apply to a college somewhere abroad to study photography.'
      'I wish it was that easy,' I sighed.
      'Listen, it's easy. Nothing is impossible or complicated. Only people make it complicated.'
   I looked away, my eyes downcast.
     'I want to see you as a professional photgrapher. You get it? Now that's my dream!'
   I laughed at her.
     'I am serious!'
    'Okay, okay. Now, tell me. What's your dream?'
   'I just told you.'
   'The real one.'
      'I'm not that ambitious. I guess I just want to live freely, happily.'
     'Aren't you living a free life now? Aren't you already happy?' I asked her.
    'I am. But I want to live on my own. Independently, you know. I want to earn my own money. As far as taking up a profession is concerned, I think I'd would go for a interior designing.'
    'Hmmm. Sounds cool,' I nodded.
She turned to look at me and smiled.

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