Taani's Story- Where It All Begin❗️

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London, UK

My life changed after I got married. I used to be the kind of person who couldn't tolerate injustice or lies. I used to speak up, voice my opinion. But I was a different person now. The last three years had made me dispirited and subdued.
After I finished my collage, my father suggested that I join his friend's, Uncle Yash's, interior design firm but I refused. It was my dream job but I wasn't ready to take on new reponsibilities. I wanted to explore the world, visit beautiful cities, meet new people, learn new languages and have fun. There were days when I just wanted to roam the streets of London, visiting my favourite music stores and cafes. However, one night, one meeting or should I say one person made me question my life choices—Sameer Malhotra. Uncle Yash had thrown a party at his house in honour of his son, Sameer, who had just returned from Canada to join his father's business. I had met Uncle Yash and His wife, Aunty Svetlana, at a couple of dinners but had never met their son. I was standing near the food counters, talking to someone, when he walked in. Our eyes locked briefly and in just that second, I lost my heart to him. His good looks were to be blamed. My eyes followed him as he walked to the other end of the room. I noticed how he brushed his hair back with his fingers every few seconds; how he threw his head back when he laughed; how keenly he listened, nodding ever so slightly in agreement. I studied him intently, tracing his lean body, his broad shoulders, his chiselled features, his taut jawline, his full lips, his slightly ruffled hairs. I was new to those feelings—the flutter in my chest; the prickle of excitement; the quickening of pulse, and the wetness between my legs. That night I made up my mind to take Daddy up on his offer. It was the only way to be close to Sameer. I was ready to join YM Designs.


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