Doubting The Doubts❗️

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After our so called sexual encounter. I did see a change in Sameer's attitude towards me. He had become more attentive, caring amd affectionate but we still did not have sex. He did express his love in the form of a few kisses here and there but didn't initiate anything beyond that. This made me unhappy but I didn't bring it up again, as I didn't want to sound like a nagging wife. However, deep down I knew things were not as transparent as they appeared. I had to know the truth. I had to unravel the mystery.

A few days later, I recieved a call from my friend Soniya.

"Hey!" Soniya said.

"Hi, Sonz. How are you doing?" I asked her, sitting on my bed.

"Tannu, are you free this evening?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

"Let's meet up."

There was an urgency in her voice.

"Yeah, but can we meet tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's urgent, Tannu."

"But. . ."

"I'll wait for you at Hard Rock Café. Be there in an hour." she said and hung up.

Perplexed, I looked at my phone screen, wondering what could be the matter. Then put the thought away for the time being and got up to get ready.

An hour later, I pushed the heavy wooden door of the Café and walked in. Soniya was seated at our usual booth, busy on her laptop.

"What's up, Sonz?" I asked, taking a seat infront of her.

"Taani..." she looked up and smiled at me weakly.

"I might be wrong... but I w-wanted to show you s-something." She is stuttering, I crossed my brows in confusion as she turned the laptop in my direction.

"Do you think this person is Sameer?" She pointed towards a picture of a group of mem at a party, dancing and cheering in and inebriated state.

I narrowed my eyes and looked closely.

"Um, yeah. That's Sameer," I finally said, "Ofcourse, that's him."

"Oh-kay!" Soniya said slowly.

"But what happened?" I asked, my heartbeat quickening.

"And what about this one?" She showed me another picture where Sameer was sitting on a beach with a white guy, nuzzling his neck.

"Yes, that's Sameer." I confirmed.

"So I was right . . . "

"What do you mean? What are you trying to say?" I asked, my boice becoming shaky.

"All I'm trying to say is..." Soniya said, "Sameer has another account on Facebook which he operates under a different identity."

"What? No way! He has only one Facebook account that he rarely uses!" I told her.

"I'll tell you why I said that. Last night, as I was going through my newsfeed, I came across a few photos of one of my Canadian ex-colleagues. Sameer's uncanny resemblence with one of the persons in the picture made me observe them carefully. After seeing all of them, I realized that Sameer was tagged with a different name, hence a different account. Here, let me show you that account." Soniya pulled the laptop towards her and opened the aforementioned Facebook profile. I felt the blood rush to my face.

"See this, Sameer is Simon Miller on this other account."

I clenched my fists under the table as I looked at the picture on the Screen. She was right. It was Sameer's profile. He had put a close up of his face as the display picture. The cover photo was him with a few other men. I looked at Soniya mockingly.

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