chapter 43

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The days go on and on. I am afraid to say but I got used to it completely....having company around and such. It worries me that I changed so much in such time and to grown to like the individuals around me.

It's one of those causes where you wanna spend more time and do something with friends but their so little time that when each night rolls around it's a reminder to stop and take a rest.

But with so many thoughts building up over night you can't and it makes insomnia appear as it slowly clutches you and forces you to sleep in the day being too tired to be with friends to then being left in the dark.

We hurt ourselves as naturally as we breath.

With slowly overt thinking and worry about what you'll do with the time left to spend with friends you might as well consider them a second family of sorts.

Standing barefoot at the beach i feel the breeze hit my chest area with my hands in my shorts taking in the setting sun making everything a glowing orange. Today was our last day and after a suggestion from xayah we ended up here.

Seraphine having to go to work left all be it reluctant, though I managed to convince her. Right now it was just me and the other seven,

We are all down here and have something we wanna say but won't, maybe it's because we all know what is everyone around is thinking, though I have a feeling it might be me for some reason.

Looking at ezreal. My thoughts on him were what you'd expect, the lovable stupid idiot blonde.

Rakan was somewhere above him, having a girlfriend and spending more time with her then the guys wasn't bad and he doesn't brag about having a relationship and instead strive to have fun.

Jinx. At first would say is a literal wild card but after our talk I change my perspective. She is misunderstood and was a normal girl twisted by the death of a loved one but is brought into what little light is left by true friends.

Lux. I've actually haven't heard much but know she is somewhat of the leader and had a bad break up but was comforted.

Kayn is unique. Being more then able to drop jokes on others and can quickly be just as insulted by others, wielding a scythe should scream his character clearly. He seems to like his hair a lot since it well kept and long. Also liked to dye it too.

Xayah for me, is cool. She has those guards up with people but is actually pretty good person with people she trust. And with rakan it's like a couple made in heaven, she has smiles and is clever.

Ashe, as well like lux I don't know much about. She's skilled with a bow and is probably the most serious out of the group. Turns out, she's rich too

An interesting bunch of friends. How did I end up with them? Was it fate? Or something else, or someone pulling strings.

A/n: Oh shit he's on to me!

Ezreal walks up to the front of us taking in the view like a kid who is seeing candyland first hand.

Ashe sighs, "As much as I like the silence I feel like I need to point out the obvious,"

"Or you can just shut up."

She continues, "we still have to get packing because I don't want to deal with all of you still trying to wake up."

Lux nudges her, "Don't worry, we I'll make sure that you won't have trouble with us as and our inability to wake up early. For myself at least," Everyone, myself turn to lux.

Kayn then suggests, "Taking it easy? I think that's the good Idea for right now."

I chim in, "I agree"

Rakan then adds, "I don't know man. We have been spending a bit of time together so I don't mind being with my girl and then meeting up to go back to school."

Ezreal shakes his head, "Bull. You're one of the one's that can drive other then lux and kayn." Rakan raises a brow, "you're point?"

"While you guys settle 'stuff' I am going for a quick drive to that mall we past" Kayn says, "Anyone who wants to come with, here's your chance."

I quickly get up, "Me."

Kayn smirks, "Wow didn't know you liked me so much, what would seraphine say?" I shrug, "It's just two bros. And to be honest I've been dying for I bromance dude."

"Gay-" "That's why no one likes your vestibule broccoli."

Walking away and climbing up the steps we disappear from the remaining six.

Jinx walks up standing far enough so that the waves wouldn't be enough to touch her feet and smiles at the orange hue from the sun shines on her.

"I look sexy" she remarks.

Ezreal snickers, "You look white. Pale ass."

Ezreal laughs not noticing the rocket heading for me full speed ahead.

... .... .....

In a car, Evelynn drives with ahri when her friend proposes something,

"Is it possible to share someone. Eve?"

Evelynn stops as the light turns red and ponders the question before looking at Ahri.

"Depends on the person and how many people are sharing, not to mention feelings. I'm a bit worried to ask but why ask that so sudden?" Ahri purses her lips. Shaking her head, "Just letting my imagination run and wondered if it was possible."

Evelynn narrows her eyes at her, "Is this because of y/n?" Ahri chuckles, "Would you believe me if I said no?"

Evelynn smiles, "Oh darling...."

"Of course not"

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