Chapter 42

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"You look better." I state seeing jinx walk up to me.

I narrow my eyes a little, "Are you really jinx though?"

Her hair was down instead of it's multiple ponytails and was wearing actual clothes that weren't her revealing one's.

A/n: picture above.

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah it's me asshat."

She sits next to me, "Surprised you aren't with your girlfriend. Anything happened~?"

I watch the amber's of the fire crackle. I nod.

"She fell asleep."

"Pfff! That wasn't what I meant. Hehe" I look at her, "Then what did you mean?"

She smiles widely, "Sex."

Oh my god, how bold..

"Nope." She begins to laugh, "Whoah! So pure. Never thought it would be you."

I watch her out of the corner of my eye, "No wonder why my sister liked you so much. You're actually wholesome." I shake my head, "That's not true. The things I've done aren't wholesome."

She nods, "Yeah. That book of yours keeps you under control from going nuts."

"Figure of speech."

I look at her, "Mmm, nice clothes Bluebomer."

She snickers, "Not mine. Lux. And you going to call me that from now on?"

I frown, "But jinx....I like the nickname I put into it. It was just for you." Silence came over for a second, "Really? May be sarcastic but"

"But?" She sighs, "People never really put time into me because of how I am and you saying makes me feel that people still care."

I scoot a little closer, "People care when they don't-but in a good way. Jinx, there something you wanna share with me?"

"I guess since we're on this discussion of mopy and shit. Sure" She takes a breath before continuing, "You of all guys know what it's like to feel alone and the odd one out, so I think you would understand."

"There was another person that treat me right other then my sister his name was vander." I nod, "He adapted us when I was 9 and vi was 11 and brought us to live with him in a place known as the underground. It was far from a pretty place but even so he was always so gentle with me so patience and goofy."

"Truely the best father figure."

Oh this going where I think it's going? Jinx had a sad expression. It wasn't one of the teasing one's, this was genuine.

"Did he..."

She nods, "Yeah. I kind of build it up to this huh? Well one night someone broke into our house with a gun and vander died protecting me and vi. Probably the worst day of my life."

"You want a hug jinx?"

She scoots over to me, "P-Please."

Bringing her into my embrace I whisper, "I can't compare with the best dad, far from it. But I know what it is like to be left in the dark."

Rocking us back and forth jinx begins to calm down a little. I continue, "Even when you lost vander you found a way to grief with lux and friends right?" I chuckle, "I'm glad. Lost like this can lead to so much self-destruction."

"Saying you're glad I turn out to be me?"

"No." I sharply reply, "I'm glad people found you before this you turned into someone else."

She grips my shirt, "uh..thanks y/n. Sorry I'm not-"

"It's alright Bluebomer. I'll be your senior starting when we come back from break. Come to me for help or any one of us."

She looks up at me, "Even Vi?"

I loosen my hold, "What happened with Vi?"

She looks else where, "She kind of left me after vander..." I nod, "Jinx."

"Yeah?" I look down at her.

"We're gonna kick VI's ass somewhere around this upcoming year. I can't let what I heard slide." I say,

Jinx started to smile widely and I see the jinx I'm used to seeing, crazy lovable blue head gun girl.

"You bet you're ass we will!"

We laugh as we separate and poke fun at one another and return our gaze to the fire.

I feel like I'm missing something.

She stands up crossing her arms as she turns to me, "Gonna head to bed, don't stay out to late it's freezing."

"Got it."

She waves at me as i-

"Yeah my sister has some pretty good taste, I might I have to join her and that purple hair caitlyn to get you, redsparky." I felt her say into my ear.

Quickly turning I see a a light red blueish streak disappear into the building. I then remember what I am missing.

Jinx loves to play.

I sigh hovering my hands over the fire when red sparks emmitt suddenly.



No dialog from me :O

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