The Final Day

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If you red Where Is She? Keep reading.BTW Im on a plane so don't jugde it to harsh.

Seans PVO
I go to Wills cabin and knock, George answers the door and slams it in my face. "We found Luna!" I yell I hear shuffling before Will opens the door, "What do you mean found? Isn't she in her cabin?" He asks conserened. I don't blame him. "She is now when you left she left, but she didn't come back I found her in the woods asleep and brought her back with Avrey," I saying looking in his eyes. "Shes asleep you should see her in the moring tho." I say before turning to walk away. "Wait-thank you for looking out for her." He says, I just nod before leaving, I'd do anything for her, shes amazing. I go to my cabin and fall asleep.

Time Skip brought to you by I'm still on a plane.

Lunas PVO
I wake up feeling a bit groggy. I see where I am and think everything that happened was a nightmare and thats all but then I see what I'm wearing and realize that it all happened.

Im going to stop but there Will be another chapter later I'm leaving the plane soon so ya.

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