Losing the Battle

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Seans PVO

I saw her jump out and shoot Will, and then Avrey shot her. Luna grabbed her mask and throws it to the ground hard with a disappointed look on her face. She ran as fast as she could. I'll talk to her later after all I know wheres shes going. I stand up. I can't believe it we are in last. "No no no no no this doesn't happen. Third place I give blood what is happening I am an Apostle I went to the Artict and spent 2 months freezing my buttocks off and I come back here and we lose we lose to some guy we lose to Georges cousin, who is that guy?" I yell at my team. "Go just go." I tell my team.

Time skep brought to you by Georgia's creepy stalker vibe
1 hour later

Avrey comes up to me stressed. "Hey we can't find Luna an
ywhere she never came back to the cabin. We have searched everywhere have you seen her." She asks clearly upset. I look at Avrey, where could she be I know I don't show it but I really like Luna as more than a friend, the only reason I flirt with Avrey is to try and make her jealous but, she doesn't like me like that so she doesn't care. I can't believe shes missing-WAIT! "I think I know where she is!" I told Avrey. "Where?" She replied. "Can't say I'm going to get her don't worry." I said running to our spot. I entered the spot and saw her crying. "Luna you ok." I asked concerned she quickly put something in her pocket and said,"I ruined everything I'm the reason we lost. If I kept my cool and waited for Avrey to shoot Will and then shoot her we would have won. I'm no queen I'm more like a jester." She said in one breath. I look at her sadly, "your not the reason we lost. Its not your fault. Everyones worried about you. And we will win have I ever let you down?" I ask giving her a pep-talk. As she was about to answer we heard a male voice call, " Luna! Luna Rose? Come on Lulu were are you!" Her eyes widen a tad looking in shock but she quickly recovers. "Thanks for the pep-talk Sean, we should go before W-someone finds us." She quickly runs out of the hiding place and I follow confused.

Time skip brought to you by being lonely in a group
At the camp fire that night

Lu sits next to her sister during the fire. I stsre at her while people are talking doing tge I don't know much but this much I know stuff. Until that us Avrey starts singing we all join in.

(Luna as umm Avrey LOL sorry I'll stop and Sean as Willy ok this time I mean it.😁)

Ok I'm done for this one plz vote plz plz. And comments are good too or even better share it with your friends! Sorry basically all the votes I've gotten are from friends and family. Word count

Camp Aweegaway (Wills Sister)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora