5 minutes!

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Lunas POV

The trumpit sounded waking everyone up as David announced, "Good morning campers, its a beautiful sunny day everybody up everybody move it, lets get this party Groven!" I started getting up not paying anymore attention. I quickly got ready, into something nice. Then I ran down to the mess hall and sat next to Sean. "Morning Sean how are you today?" I asked politely like I do basicly every morning. He ignored me his glase focused on Will. "Hey Sean?" I said waving my hand in front of him."Huh, what?" He replied breaking his stare. "You know Sean, we should find out some things about the new kid," I said trying to hint something. "I know but how?" He asked confused. "Well how about," I said tapping my chin before whispering in Seans ear,"5 minutes?" I said sneakily. He grinned and put a chair on the table. We all started chanting,"5 Minutes," banging on the table. "All right the people have spoken, Will Hawkins its time for your 5 minutes of fame!" We started chanting again as Will goes over and sits in the chair while Sean announces," The name is Will Hawkins the game is 5 minutes of fame. And the name of the game is find out who the mysterious new kid really is." I smirk to myself. We all cheer. They ask a couple of boring questions to start off. He hesitants when he's asked his favorite book of the Bible, but covers with an answer that I know isn't true. Then the question that gets me is whos your hero? He answeres "My dad." Then someone asks him his favorite person. I know he will say mom, but to my surprise he replies "My mom or my sister." We lock eyes for a second before Sean says "alright alright, thats enough of the new kid." Everyone cheers. Then my brother chooses George to go next, and makes his exit. I don't pay attention to the rest of the '5 minutes' thinking about my brother. The sirens go off. I follow Sean as we go outside and Sean gets excited and talks to well flirts with Avrey. I just calm myself down to get ready for the competition. We walk away hollering and getting siked up.

Time skip brought to you by Seans flirting with the wrong girl.

After water activities its dodge ball. I get out almost immediately dodge ball is not my sport. Lucky we win anyways. Unfortunately Presley gets hurt. Tongight is for relaxing before the games really begin tomorrow. And I can't wait.

Camp Aweegaway (Wills Sister)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن