Chapter Two: Medical Anxiety

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To say that Error didn’t have the best wake-up would be an understatement. Waking up to being dropped into an unknown portal and having their code being actively rewritten and changed wasn’t the best way to wake up from a nap. The change itself wasn’t their primary concern, it was that they were actively falling through an unknown portal with no means to defend themselves.

Error hit the ground with a loud crash and a scream. They had fallen on their back, which, in their opinion, was the worst way to fall. They didn’t want more back-pain. It’s never fun to deal with…

Error felt—weird. Different, maybe. Everything felt different, unfamiliar. Though that doesn't matter much right now. They were in an unknown universe and very vulnerable to potential threats. So when they heard a sudden snap behind them, they whipped around, only to be met with two incredibly odd-looking humans. Though the one that really stood out to Error in their dazed state was the human who was, to put it simply, encased in light.

When Error saw the weapons that both had drawn, they panicked and used most of their remaining energy to summon a Gaster Blaster. Even when the two had sheathed their weapons, Error was still on edge. They didn’t know what their intentions were. And they refused to give in to the pain and blood loss, they couldn’t up yet. They were still in danger.

Error must have blacked out, because the next thing that they knew, the same being who was encased in light was holding them close. There was something soft but dense behind them.

“ m..e.” The person holding them said, or, at least Error thought that was who was talking? They could barely hear anything that this person was saying, but they could at least tell that this was a man. Maybe?

Error heard him sigh and felt his gaze land on their chest. What was he looking for? Error half expected whoever this was to stab them, only it never came. Instead, he wrapped something warm, and soft around their shoulders, still speaking softly, gently even. This definitely wasn’t right. Where in the multiverse’s hell are they?


“This is not negotiable.” Dream repeated firmly.

This time, Ink listened and jumped into a portal, entering the Justice Rein’s emergency medical ward. The place wasn’t that busy, thankfully. Some of the nurses and doctors were taking care of the patients and chatting as they did so. Ink hurriedly walked up to one of the main doctors, Zaina was her name, she had worked here for around five years. Thankfully, she wasn’t busy at the moment. She was standing off to the side, talking to another coworker.

Ink quickly walked up to Zaina. “Hey Zaina, I need to talk to you. It’s really important.”

Zaina turned around and nodded. “Sure! I’ll talk to you later, Daisy.” Waving away her coworker, she turned to Ink. “What’s wrong? Is Dream hurt or something?” She asked, her brows knitted together in concern.

Ink shook his head. “No, Dream is fine. It’s something a bit more serious.”

Zaina nodded slowly. “Go on…” She prompted.

“Right so, while Dream and I were out catching this assassin guy, we found some other guy who, like, fell through the sky. They were bleeding pretty badly. I didn’t get a good look at them, but they looked pretty bad.”

Zaina nodded her head. “Did you get a glance at them? Or their wounds?”

“I’m pretty sure that they had a puncture wound in their chest. Dream can probably answer that better.” Ink answered.

“Okay, I’ll tell my team to get themselves ready. Thank you for telling me.”

Ink nodded and opened a portal back to the spot where Dream was.

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