🎇Love Beyond Limits-50🎇

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Rid: And yeah! All those fights between me and Vansh, sorry to disappoint you Aditya! But they all were fake. We just did that to make you believe that even Vansh is not in my favour and I don't trust him. And infact, I am trusting you more than Vansh. (Sarcastically smirks) But Aditya! Do you know how much I trust Vansh?

"I trust him to such an extent that if I am standing in a dark night watching moon from my balcony and Vansh comes there and says, "What a beautiful day and What a beautiful shine of the sun!" , I will reply, "Yeah! Its beautiful!"

That's how much I trust him!

(Okay, so ignore these stupid philosophical lines, it simply means that even if Vansh calls the night a day, Riddhima will agree to it)

Ajay: I loved texting those threatning messages. It was the most satisfying thing.

Flashback shows him saying,

"I have not even come in front of anyone and my texts have created a havoc in all of them. Just wait and watch. This game of deception will destroy you and your own palnnings!!"

All the masterminds laugh. Rehaan and Aditya have nothing else to do except to listen and fume in anger.

V: Then, I intentionally invited you for holi celebrations in Mumbai. So, that you think that the plan is going according to your will. And to be honest, we wanted to collect some more proofs against you. And that night came another major twist!!!!!

Aditya(fuming in anger): Whatever plannings you would have done, (smirks) You had lost that property. Riddhima! Do you remember I had offered you a juice glass and got some business papers signed by you? They were not any business deal papers. They were the property papers that you signed being drugged by me. Now, All your property is mine. Your all plannings had failed!!!!

Vansh and Riddhima laugh evilly.

Rid: Aditya! Are you a fool or what? (Chuckles sarcastically) Tell me! Who would be such a fool to keep the property papers that worth 100 crores just like that openly in the cupboard (smirks) unless he wants those papers to be stolen?

Aditya was confused.
V: I will tell you. We knew that you would make a stupid plan of getting Riddhima drugged in holi and sign those papers. So, We made it even more easier for you. We put those papers intentionally in that cupboard and made sure that you spy on Riddhima while she opens that box and keeps it in the cupboard. You did watch her doing that. And after that at night, you got her fingerprints from the coffee cup and stole those papers when we left.

R: I am an Intelligence officer. Being drugged and forced is a common thing for me. I know how to tackle with these drugs. I had never lost my consciousness and infact, drugging a doctor is even more foolish! I know what would be its effect so, it was not difficult to act a little dizzy. But Getting those fingerprints from the cup was a smart move, I must say. It was better than searching for my fingerprints in my room. It saved alot of time.

Adi: Why did you signed those papers when you knew that I was going to do that!

Rid: Here comes another revelation! (Standing right in front of Aditya and glaring him victoriously) Making a person sign fakely on some original property papers leads to that person losing all his property but.....If the property papers are themselves fake, then even signing them originally would be useless!

Adi(confused): That means...Those property papers were fake! But they were real. I got them checked by my lawyer the next day.

Rid: The papers were real but not original!
Aditya was even more confused.

Adi: What you mean?

Rid: Aditya! That 100 crores property was never on my name!!!! So, even If I get some real papers made of that property on my name, those papers and all the signs done on them will always remain fake! That property never belonged to me. I wanted this fact to be hidden from everyone untill I get you both punished. Dad and Vansh knew about it. That's why, even your lawyer didn't know anything about it.

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