"I guess we're going to let the court decide about that. I just might find a will that states that Augustin gave everything he owns to us. And, by that time, everyone will know that you're fucking an illegal immigrant and that can only help our cause, right?"

Gigi gritted her teeth, watching Vanessa skip happily towards the exit door.

"Why ?" She asked.

Vanessa turned around, tugging her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you want to take Augustin's shares ? You are part of one of the richest families in France. Your dad is at the head of an empire. You could literally have anything you want so... Why are you so obsessed with taking over this little thing ?"

"I told you already...because it belongs to me."

Vanessa was quick to leave the office after those words but Gigi didn't miss the glint of pain behind her orbs. There was something there, she thought. Sure, Vanessa had always been a bitch but she wasn't just trying to be mean this time. Gigi regretted why she never asked Augustin's about his family while he was still alive. She always avoided the topic but maybe if she hadn't, she would have understood why Vanessa was trying to take over his shares now.

But, no matter the reason, Gigi was determined to not let Vanessa win. She grabbed her desk phone and pressed on one of the button:

"Are you done with the task? If yes, please come to my office now so we can discuss it."

Gigi returned to her seat and five minutes later, Sasha came in her office. She looked like she hadn't slept for weeks. She sat across Gigi's desk and opened her laptop.

"Did you find anything ?" The older woman asked.

"I'm sorry...Not much. The regulations are stricter now for immigrants, let alone illegal ones."

"I hope this is not the only thing you have to say to me, Sasha. You confessed that we are in this mess because of you so you better get us out of it."

Sasha quickly averted her eyes away from Gigi and opened the file she'd prepared for this. As if she wasn't feeling guilty enough...

"I'm sorry..."

The young assistant was surprised to hear the soft voice of her boss seconds later. She slowly looked at the woman who seemed less angry, her emotions switching in mere seconds.

"I don't know why i'm being so mean to you. Sure, you should have told me about Hakim but your intentions were pure. It's not your fault...I'm just anxious. Don't take into account any of the shit i'll say to you today, okay?"

"Well...I really appreciate that Mrs Montagne..."

Sasha gave a small smile before proceeding to share the information she'd gathered:

"The best option we have so far is to wait. After two years, Hakim will be eligible to request a residence permit even though he's an illegal immigrant. But the issue is that it's not guaranteed that his request will be accepted. Plus...Well, we'd have to wait two years."

"And you're telling me that's the best option? Inconceivable. Vanessa won't patiently wait for Hakim to get this permit. We must find a solution now."

"I'm sorry, Mrs Montagne...We just can't force this. There's no other way. Or at least..."

"Or what?"

Sasha gnawed at her bottom lip. She struggled to look into Gigi's eyes just as much as she feared to share the other option she'd found.

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