Chapter 37

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"So if you think our conscience is proof for the existence of God it must mean you believe He is just," Kiara reasoned.

They were walking side by side as the moon offered them windows of light shining on the floor, governing their paths. She was shocked by his civility, she wasn't sure he had ever been so tolerable. 

"Not necessarily."

"Well if a good conscience is created, it has to be made from good."

"The same can be said of evil. Or - don't tell me, are you going to give me a lecture on theodicy?"

"I would actually argue that God abhors evil and demonstrates that in every monotheistic scripture you can find, I think goodness itself is the evidence of a good God."

"The existence of goodness and kindness as part of the human experience acknowledges that their must be some sort of emotive being to create good and evil. But it doesn't mean whoever created that is good, I think it makes him the greatest dictator of all time; bringing suffering upon the world and implying it's for redemptive purposes; making one grateful and encouraging empathy, all the while getting kicks out of watching people struggle between what's 'right' and what they truly want. Darkness is in every human being; the gateway to power. Morality could be considered the greatest issue of humanity, it's every person's self-imposed limitation. It takes a person's right away from acting on natural instinct. To survive, to rise, to kill without consideration for how it may affect another. It's why so little have volunteered with the war, conscience leads to cowardice,"

"Now this is starting to sound a bit more like you. A person's conscience is their humanity. And I actually know there to be many volunteers for the war, doesn't that defeat your point about survival?"

She didn't know much about their current state of events but she had read up enough about the war in her own time to know that at least one member of every wizarding family had volunteered to join the aurors in their fight for justice. That, or they had joined Grindelwald's army.

Not to mention the global world war that was currently taking place against Nazi Germany, too many men, young and old would be lost to it.

"No where near enough. Killing is survival. It's ridding others of the chance of killing you. The way I see it is this; there is no good nor evil, just power."

She stopped, coldness trickling up her spine as that familiar phrase rang through her ears, reminding her of home, of her uncle, of the very thing that the Dark Lord had drilled into every pureblood elitist of her time.

She looked over to him, sudden fear rising up on the inside of her as she considered who he truly was.

Here he stood, piercing brown eyes, striking black hair and a charisma that seemed much too perfect to ever be corrupted. But he held so much resentment for their world that she feared if she weren't careful he could destroy and besiege whole cities with an incorruptible fire. He noticed her absence and turned to her, confused at how pale she suddenly looked.

"Everything alright?" He asked.

"Don't pretend to care," She replied, returning to her usual stand offish self and continued her walk. He didn't follow her but his eyes fell to the bottom of her dress and he trailed them up till he met her face. She was half turned to see this and halted in confusion.

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