She pulled back and took a few seconds to fix my collar and tie. "Well more than a day is too long! Phone calls are not the same as seeing you in person." She leaned in with a mysterious smile. "Plus, this guy," she pointed to Dad, "is so goddess damn boring," she whined. Alpha rolled his eyes before draping an arm around her.

"You ready to be inducted?" Alpha asked, doing his own inspection of me with his eyes.

I nodded, actually smiling instead of my usual expressionless face. "I'm pretty excited, not going to lie. Everyone has been really welcoming, so I feel good about it." Lilith looked at me in awe, holding my arms and giving me puppy eyes.

"Welcome to the family!" She shouted, taking a second to squeeze my cheeks as if I was a baby. I just chuckled at her knowing this was how she expressed that she liked someone.

I turned to my parents, looking into their eyes that only showed one emotion: proudness. They were proud of me. They were happy for me. And that was more than I could ever ask for.

A hand touched my right shoulder, a surprising gesture. I whipped my head around to see Hayden dressed in a nice suit with a green tie. My favorite color.

"Hey, you clean up nicely," He complimented, eyes raking over my body.

"Thanks, I know!" Lilith replied as if he was talking to her. He rolled his eyes, but didn't correct her.

"Xander sent me to get you. He wants you up front, so you're ready for your induction," he informed me, giving me a small smile. I didn't realize how handsome he really was until that moment staring into his gorgeous eyes.

Not trusting me words, I just nodded quickly, turning away from him so he could see me being flustered.

"I'll see you guys after the ceremony then, okay?" My parents nodded, waving me off. Lilith and I followed Hayden to the front of the tent where the stage was. Xander and Oliver were there looking jittery. I've been feeling Xander's nervousness all day but haven't known how to help him. He's ready for the job, and he knows that.

I sat next to Hayden and patiently waited for everyone to get settled into their seats for the ceremony. Hayden was staring at me for a few moments before I finally made eye contact with him. We hadn't seen each other much this past week since my little tour. 

"I didn't realize you and Xander's wolves are identical," he states, narrowing his eyes at me to study my reaction.

I shrugged, about to answer but Lilith answered for me. "They have the same wolf idiot. Keep up. If you think they are massive now, wait until you see them combine into one mega wolf!" She widened her eyes and nodded as if she just said something completely mind blowing.

"You can combine into one wolf?!"

Glaring at Lilith for her very informative answer, I hesitated before speaking. "Yeah, it's a little complicated. I'm sure you'll see it one day. We've only done it a couple of times."

Hayden was about to ask another question when Uncle Zach took the stage. Everyone quieted down instantly, apprehension filling the air. "Thank you everyone for joining us tonight. To the pack members here as well as other packs who have honored us with their presence," he started, eyes focused on my parents when he spoke the second part. I looked back in the crowd looking for Ace. I spotted him and his grandfather but no parents. Not too surprising, just disappointing.

"We will now begin the ceremonial transfer of power from Delta John to his son Hayden," Uncle Zach announced, stepping to the side for Hayden's dad to take the stage.

"Thank you everyone for the years of service. I appreciate everyone's help through the years. I cannot think of anyone better to take my position than my son. Though he has been faced with many difficulties over the past few years, he has stood his ground and proved he will be a strong leader." There was lots of emotion in the man's voice. I peaked over at Hayden who was containing his emotions fairly well.

The Alpha of Alphas: Apollo (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now