For a moment I stared at the bike. No matter what he said, it still seemed like a stupid idea.

"Taani! What are you thinking? Trust me, you'll love it. I'm telling you, don't you trust me?"

"Um . . . ."

"I'm not asking you to jump off a cliff. C'mon. It's on a bike!"

"What if . . . . what if I fall?"

"Is that what you afraid of?"

I nodded sheepishly.

"You won't. I'm here." he assured me.

I locked my eyes with his, my heart racing.

"Plus, I've hot us hemlets. So there's nothing to worry about," he disengaged the hemlet from the bike's handle and handled it to me. "Take it."

Leaving my hesitation and fear behind, I stepped forward, taking the hemlet from his hand. He passed me victorious smile in return. I wore the hemlet gingerly and then mounted the bike, my legs shaking. I had not ridden one in ages.

"On you marks, get set, go!" He pedalled towards the main road. I imitated him. I held the handlebar firmly and pushed the pedal, slowly gaining pace. I couldn't believe I still remember how to ride. Feeling exhilarated, I smiled as the air rushed past my face. Rey slowed down to match my speed. I looked at him and suddenly both of us burst out laughing. He was right. This was truly amazing. I saw the city from a fresh perspective that day.

The sun felt good on my skin. It warmed my heart and for a second, I forgot all my problems. I was finally living in the moment. I looked around at the lush greenery, the quaint cafes lining the streets, the people out on their evening walk, and then I looked at Rey. He was gesturing at me to take a right turn ahead. I squinted at him against the bright light. And then it happened. I lost my balance. I tried to steady myself but couldn't and let out a loud scream. Rey came running and broke my fall just in time. Blood rushed to my cheeks as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist. He smiled at me reassuringly, making my heart skip a beat.

On our way home, he asked me if I would meet him the next day for another adventure. I instantly said yes. Visiting these places with him was just an excuse. What I was most exciting about was meeting hik everyday. I felt happier in his presence. He had come into my life once again like a breath of fresh air.

The next day, I met him directly at Regent's Canal. He looked really cute in a pair of shorts and striped cotton shirt. I let out a giggle as he walked towards me. He thought I was making fun of him and seemed offended. But then he too burst out laughing. I was glad we had restored the camaraderie in our relationship.

"Remember you had told me that the Church was you go-to place whenever you wanted some peace of mind?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Well, this is my church." He declared.

"This is beautiful," I said, soaking up the sun.

"But this is only twenty percent of the adventure this place offers."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Follow me!" His face broke into a smile.

After talking to a local for a few minutes, he asked me to follow him further. Soon a kayak came into view, bobbing up and down.

"Rey, what's this?" I asked.

"It's a Kayak. Let's go!" He took my hand and made me step down the dock and then into the kayak. It was a two-seater and we managed to board it quite easily without kneeling over. The local with whom Rey was talking earlier handed us two paddles. He smiled, wished us a wonderful ride and made his way back to the dock. Both the seats faced the same direction and seemed in the rear, I couldn't see Rey's face as his back was towards me.

"Rey, what am I supposed to do with this?" I asked, looking at the double-bladed paddle in my hands. "I can't even hold it properly."

"Paddling is super easy, Taani. Just use it to propel the boat forward. I'll start doing it so you can learn from me. All right?"

With his legs stretched out in front, Rey started to paddle with strong strokes. He used his torso and his shoulders to rotate the paddle so that while one blade pushed back the water, the other was in the air and moving forward to take the next stroke. Rey slipped into a rhythm and imitated his technique. The tandem effort propelled the kayak in a straight line through the canal.

"Got it?" Rey asked, looking over his shoulder so I could hear him.

"Yes," I nodded enthausiastically, feeling an adrenaline rush.

I had never experienced this thrill before: neither with my friends, nor alone. I cursed myself for not having tried it earlier. This was unique view of London from its canals—a perspective I would never have experienced otherwise.

We took the Tube home. It was Rey's idea. I got a seat but Rey had to stand throughout the twenty minutes journey.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said then I realized I was rubbing my arms. "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

"But you don't seem ok," he said, scrutinizing my face. "Are you hurt?"

How did he know that my arms hurt because of kayaking all day?

"How do you know?" I asked, surprised.

"Know what?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing." I said, looking out of the window.

"I can read your face, Taani." he said.

I looked down at my hands, ny heart thudding in my chest.

"I know what's on your mind. I can feel it. Maybe you're hurting here too," he said, placing a hand on his chest.

I glared at him, and before I could launch a counter-attack, he changed the subject. "Get a hot compress as soon as you reach home."

Pursing my lips, I sat back and heaved a sigh, considering  what he'd just said. He was right. It was my heart that hurt the most. But then what is love without the pain?


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